
I didn’t either, I think it’s because I don’t have a forum account tied to my plex account so I don’t seem to be effected (affected? not sure).

I still believe that anyone refusing to vaccinate their child for anything other than the legitimate health concerns of a certified medical doctor should be held for child endangerment.

You are running for president for real right? I’ll vote for you. Your platform, as simple as it is, is significantly better than anything either partiy’s candidate has been able to produce for quite a while.

You can also try complaining to the BBB.

TL-DR: Had internet problems for 2 months. Filed complaint with BBB and my ISP had issue fixed in less than 3 hours.

I had Frontier DSL for about year when they took over our area from Verizon. One day, we simply lost our connection. I called up our ISP and talked to them to let

Not really, nearly every LED light from a major manufacturer is outperforming maglite by a long shot right now.

Not really, nearly every LED light from a major manufacturer is outperforming maglite by a long shot right now.

Luckily you are in the right thread, just start reading through the other comments.

Luckily you are in the right thread, just start reading through the other comments.

Ok it makes sense now. Is BYOD common in Canada? I was just going off my experiences here in the US, where if you took a personal laptop into most schools you would be considered lucky to not get a suspension and get it back by the end of the week.

Only problem is their competitors put out significantly more light with higher build qualities now at similar or lower prices. I used to be a die hard maglite fan, but they have not kept up with modern LED technology at all. Their LED torches suck compared to the competition.

As a scoutmaster and seeing kids buy mags

Only problem is their competitors put out significantly more light with higher build qualities now at similar or

How old is your son? At least in my experience high schools typically don’t allow the use of personal laptops, but locking down a college kids laptop like that seems like some serious hover-parenting.

Wait Nissan has actually SOLD Juke Rs? I thought they just made one or two as a show-off marketing piece. That is freaking awesome.

Ahh didn’t know that, haven’t gotten to see the engine bay on the WRX so I didn’t know the placement of it, I just now that my BRZ’s engine bay has a ton of space compared to other modern cars and figured it would fit.

First off, you are putting words in my mouth I never said. I never said it was competition to the turbo mustang, I never said the miata was fine, personally I think it is kind of under powered too.

Second, I want to say I own a BRZ, a 2015 Limited. My profile pic on here is an actual picture of my actual car that I

Plus let’s be real here. Even if they DID want to go beyond a tune and do forced induction, it really wouldn’t cost them all that much. They already have a turbo FA20 developed and stable in the WRX. We know the chassis and drive train can handle the extra power. They just need to take the WRX engine and drop her in

Not sure how that works, but I’ll take it. Where can I turn in my 2015 BRZ? Also, that Monster energy hat better be a flatbill.

Can I get it in yellow with a targa roof?

I doubt we will hear them. From what I understand this is just the pre recorded segments and the live audience part will be nixed.

Do not install Hola. It has very malicious code in it that sells your bandwidth to other people, essentially creating a large botnet for people to take advantage of.

and throw that 350HP FA into a BRZ, and release a true BRZ STi, so I can trade my normal BRZ in

In fact, NHTSA says over 1,100 wrecks every summer could be prevented if people didn’t slather sunscreen all over their windshields.

It’s not that hard to use that little of data. I share 2GB between 3 people and we have never gone over 1GB combined. We are almost always in wifi locations, so we just don’t use that much.