
As you suggested I have built my ‘treats’ into my saving strategy. I have a separate bank account that I call my ‘Free Spend’ account, essentially it is an ‘I can do anything with this money and absolutely not feel guilty about it’ account. I just put a certain amount of money into it from every pay, and then I use it

I disagree. I thought this season and last were 2 of the best seasons so far.

May want to refresh your memory on what Adam looks like, or get your eyes checked. Outside of the similar style glasses and hair color, they have practically no features in common. They don’t even have the same general face shape.

better* FTFY

So... umm... who the hell is Chris Evans? Seriously, I have never seen this man in anything.

Also when does Clarkson, Hammond, and May’s new show hit amazon prime video? haha

I know, I have only played KH1 and 2 and I have no idea about half the character names people are bringing up here.

Thanks for the suggestions. As I said originally I am just really starting to save for a home now, just 23 and out of college for a year, because I have been renting since about this past Christmas and it sucks.

It will be a ways off still, but definitely filing this information away for later.

Are there any specific resources you used to find upkeep/operating costs of homes in your price range?

I live in a relatively rural part of Ohio, building around here is generally more expensive. However, at the same time, the majority of existing homes on the market in my area absolutely pale in comparison to space

Looking forward to reading some replies. I have recently started saving for a home and will likely won’t be looking for the next few years, but it would be great to have some ideas of what to look for to know I am ready.

I have also really considering building a new home, so I would pose the question to other people

Yeah I didn’t receive my notice until 5pm. 4.5 hours AFTER I heard about it from other sources. For a company that is essentially in the security industry, we shouldn’t have to be relying on other outlets for 0 hour updates. We should have been notified immediately.

I think the thing I am most upset about was the main reason I signed up for them is because they tout that if there is a known breach somewhere you have an account they will let you know through email. They have a breach themselves and I still haven’t been informed. It’s sad I had to learn about this from lifehacker.

I feel like changing the camera angle automatically every time you try to turn left or right is gonna make it really hard to drive. Hopefully you can turn that crap off.

Damnit, I sign up because I finally decide to go further than my standard algorithmic way of remembering passwords and they get hacked... great. Your screwed no matter what I guess.

Pipe cleaners, they actually do have a real purpose outside of arts and crafts.

Pipe cleaners, they actually do have a real purpose outside of arts and crafts.

Oh damn, while that still sucks, that is way less worse haha

Go kart project 2 summers, $500
Therapy because of the traumatic event of running over your dog and getting sprayed with it’s innards and blood, untold years and thousands of dollars
The guilt you felt because you killed you dog, priceless.

There’s somethings money can’t buy in life. For everything else, there’s

You sir have good ideas, if by some misfortune I ever have a child, this has been noted.

Nope, need 4 vehicles: Outback, F-150, Camry, BRZ.

Some of us like to have a little fun.

It’s either placebo effect or you have the worlds worst modem and router.

A typical modem is going to use somewhere in the 5-10w range. Routers tend to float around the 10W mark, give or take a couple Watts. I have one of the absolute most power hungry routers on the consumer market (Asus AC3200) and even that pulls at

That depends on a lot of factors like your current debts, the cost of living in your area, how much you make, and how much you currently are putting into your 401k. Heck, in the area I live cost of living is extremely low, but salaries also reflect that. The average income around here is like $30-$35k a year, so it’s