
So how did you get your mind reading powers? And how close do you have to be to the target to use them? Because I am slightly freaked out right now. Get it off my head.

pfft screw that

1st offense: License suspended for a minimum of a year, heavy fines, plus at least a month jail time.
2nd offense: Loss of license for life. 6 months jail.

I have this through my Amex too! But, newegg is no longer part of shop runner. They run their own Newegg Premier service now and dropped shop runner when it launched.

I have always said this: "All 4 wheel drive lets you do in the snow is go faster when you hit ice and wreck."

That should just be straight up illegal for them to say. Think of all the people who aren't 'car people' that wouldn't know better when they were told this and are now endangering their lives and the lives of those around them because of it.

Yeah I started this a few years ago after listening to an author, Bob Goff, speak at a Christian conference I was attending. This man is hilariously funny, slightly eccentric, but loveable and relateable, and it was one of the things I picked up from him.

He is a lawyer here in the states, but also has a charity that

In the recent past, I have made a conscious effort not to ask people about their jobs. If they bring it up fine. But when first meeting someone, instead of going with the so very standard now 'what do you do for a living?' I instead ask 'so what are your hobbies?' or 'tell me about some of your interests?'.

I think

Being 22 right now, that is one thing I really want to see happen before I die. I want giant sophisticated robots, that's all.

So are these people setting their own cars on fire in some kind of new years celebration, or is this a mob going around and burning other peoples cars to the ground?

Either way I am amazed they aren't arrested based on some sort of environmental law, which they really should be. There is 0 reason to purposefully burn a

Yeah the tell tale sign of an Asetek cooler are those little mounting prongs around the circle base that seem to be in 10-15° spacing. Anything that has a cpublock that looks like that is just a rebrand, and its going to be pretty much the same. A ton of people use Asetek as their supplier:


They are going to perform nearly identically. NZXT, Corsair, Cooler Master, and a bunch of others are just rebrands of Asetek coolers for the most part. Every once in a while they will swap out a pump for their own, or for a slightly different rad, but in the end the stuff at the same price point ends up falling

And it should be mentioned that in the past, even when Intel or AMD do radically change the size or form of their sockets that most waterblock manufacturers promptly release new mounting hardware that you can pick up cheap to be compatible. Mounting a CPU waterblock is often no different really than mounting an

I thought the exact same thing and then thought "Heck, the Boy Scout troop I volunteer for, primarily made up of 11-15 years old kids, salute better than that."

It seems weird because you have been taught and conditioned to expect left justified text your entire life.

I keep everything's original packaging for the length of the warranty. About once a year I will go through my amassed boxes and throw out anything out of warranty. This makes returns and even warranty work so much easier as the store can't say anything and its also easier for you pack things back up since the

Nah, they would have the whole towns police department their with an APC loaded up with a SWAT team and then just open fire on the thing.

Also just as a heads up, if this ever happens from another vendor that isn't quite so cool about it, most credit cards have a 30 day price protection policy where your credit card company will refund the price difference.

I actually got 2 free legal copies of Server 2012R2 Datacenter (normally around $6k a piece) from when I was in college. I was a computer science major and our department had a deal with microsoft that we got a bunch of free licenses through the agreement. Heck I got those, plus 5 or 6 copies of Windows 8, Visual

Oh no, I don't use Windows Home Server. Windows 8 probably is better than that. I use full blown Windows Server 2012R2, it's really meant for enterprise environments, but it is amazing and with a little know how it has been a welcome addition to my network.

Why would I need active directory and group policy at home for a diy NAS? Because I have a room-mate and we both have files that we don't really want the other to have access to. I also need my server to handle a lot more than most NAS OS's can do such as running different game servers, VOIP servers, and a host of