I got two copies of 2012R2 Datacenter (normally about $6k) for free when I was in college as a computer science major. I am using one of those.
I got two copies of 2012R2 Datacenter (normally about $6k) for free when I was in college as a computer science major. I am using one of those.
Personally I have been using Windows Server 2012R2. It allows me to do a lot more a lot easier than the dedicated NAS OS's listed here since I can run nearly any windows program. Since all the computers in my home are primarily windows machines I also get to take advantage of Windows domain feature and set up a home…
Well it looks like I can deduct depreciation of my computer equipment, however that is on a schedule A. Correct me if I am wrong, but if I do a schedule A deduction I can't use the standard deduction correct? It's one or the other? In which case the standard deduction would be far higher for me.
Exactly, I am young (22) so I have plenty of time to grow my money in the market. And I would rather not pay taxes on the growth because it will be far more than my contributions at this stage in my life.
Hi Erin! I am a programmer, I work for a very small marketing company and typically use my own laptop for work. I also recently built a home server that stores backups of my laptop (that gets used for work) and my desktop (that is mostly home use).
I maxed out my Roth IRA for the year, so good for saving, but no tax breaks. Sadly my employer doesn't have a 401k set up for us... kinda sucks in that regard.
I anecdotally disagree. Every major safety obstruction I see on the road is typically caused by an older person because they can't see the roads or signs as well as they should. Or they are too afraid to go the speed limit and are going 15 in a 35 or 55. Or going down a one way street wrong.
In fact even in our local…
This code only works on new books, and also only works on books sold by Amazon themselves, not other retailers selling on amazon.
This code only works on new books, and also only works on books sold by Amazon themselves, not other retailers…
Ugh... my car is currently deteriorating and becoming a money pit, and I was planning on buying a 2015 ST3 when they come out... but now this. I dunno if I should keep shoveling money into my crappy 1999 Merc Cougar and wait for this in another year or more, or just settle for the ST3 in a couple months when it hits.
your reply isn't anymore intelligent because the heat sink and radar avoidance systems should have been designed in such a way that it didn't matter.
If you bought it from amazon contact them, a lot of times they will price match. If you used a credit card to pay, check with your credit card to see what kind of member benefits you get. A lot of cards have some sort of price guarantee where if an item you bought changes price in a certain amount of time (typically…
If you bought it from amazon contact them, a lot of times they will price match. If you used a credit card to pay,…
As I have already stated multiple time APA is one of the few styles that still states to use a double space after a period. And if you read into it further, APA's double space rule actually only applies to drafts, not published papers. In APA the final published version's sentance spacing is decided by the publisher,…
Yeah, but things like houses and cars those are secured debts. Those are inherited.
Oh yeah, that will really teach the banks to take money from the middle class. I mean how could leaving gigantic bills that you were too irresponsible to pay to your children or closest living relative not a good idea?
Seconded, man. It would be so nice to just wake up every morning, eat a few slices of toast while reading the news online. After finishing my fresh squeezed orange juice I had imported that morning from some tiny island that only 10 people know exists, I go out to the garage. I jump in my McLaren P1, while my…
When you are the main lead editor of LifeHacker, I am willing to bet you get access to peoples stories before they get posted to the website. He probably did comment on this yesterday when it was only visible to staff, that way when it was published today the comment conversations would have a constructive direction…
For me, I treat my savings as if it were a bill or expense. I don't make a ton, and despite having a full time job my benefits are piss poor (looking for something better), so all I can afford to do is max out my IRA every years. But I make sure I do that at least. I just take 211.50 out of every pay (on a normal 26…
Where did I say I shared towels? Your making arguments against things I never stated.
Lets take keep running with the athletes foot for example. No amount of soap, water, or scrubbing will cure athletes foot. However, scrubbing or drying off with a towel will remove small chunks of affected skin and embed in the towel,…
There are tons of bacteria and fungi that soap, water, and scrubbing won't kill or remove. Athletes foot is a very common example of a fungi that soap, water, and scrubbing won't remove.
Wow... that would have been horrible. Especially with a skin condition like that.