
Using a wash cloth should be removing dead skin cells while you are in the shower too, yet the article still states that they are the reason you need to wash towels after 3-5 uses. No matter how well you wash, even with soap and water, there is a lot bacteria and fungi that soap and water won't kill. And by not

Lived in a large family growing up, never did we use a towel twice. Everyone pretty much had three towels, and we *gasp* did laundry.

I don't care how good you wash, soap and water isn't going to kill or remove all bacteria, fungus, or anything really. Will it get most of it, yeah, all of it definitely not.

Taking a shower and washing with a wash cloth soap and water should be removing dead skin cells too, so by your logic, you should never have to

Hold up a second... there are people who don't wash towels after every use? Seriously? That's absolutely disgusting.

Day 1: Oh hey a nice clean towel, I'm going to dry off with it.
Day 2: Eh, what the heck, lets use that same towel from yesterday so I can drag my balls and butt across every inch of my body, along with

Except most people driving them can't keep the damn things in their own lane because it is too big and they don't know how to properly drive something that wide.

Although it is important to point out Gallons (UK) are significantly larger than Gallons (US), nearly 20% larger.

Something else to keep in mind is that SSD's in modern operating systems don't work this way. When you delete something on an SSD (and the operating system along with the drive support TRIM) it is completely gone, typically in a matter of seconds. The TRIM commands go through and clean up deleted data that way the

She probably had a ring, or multiple, on. It's actually pretty easy to scratch paint while wearing rings just by leaning on the car with a flat palm.

As I have already stated multiple time APA is one of the few styles that still states to use a double space after a period. And if you read into it further, APA's double space rule actually only applies to drafts, not published papers. In APA the final published version's sentance spacing is decided by the publisher,

I think that every car BMW has ever made looks like crap.
I think that modern luxo-trucks are quite possibly the dumbest thing someone could purchase.

Since this came from Carroll Shelby himself, I am assuming this is a REAL Shelby Cobra, not an imitation. And he ruined it like that? Why has he not been arrested? Or at the least put in a lunatic asylum?

And your comment explains everything about you. Your a washed up luddite who thinks anyone who doesn't do things the way you do is wrong. All despite the fact the standards you learned have been overturned multiple times for very good reasons. You have just been to lazy to learn them and get with the times.

Despite being pretty much the same age as her, I can't stand her music. I can't stand her seemingly childish attitude. I can't stand her partying 'we are young and can do whatever the hell we want' persona. And, from what she shows the world, she does seem like a lunatic.

But damn, she is hot.

Not an SD card issue, I have tried multiple flashes of multiple versions on multiple SD cards that are known to be good, and are also high performance cards that I used to use for HD video recording. I can also use RasBMC with the Plex plugin and stream HD video perfectly fine on my 256MB Model B, so I know it isn't a

Only thing is RasPlex isn't going to run on this, sadly, or I would be picking them up. RasPlex has been specifically designed for the models after the 512MB refresh. I have one of the original Model B's that only have 256MB of ram, and RasPlex simply can't run on it. You can get menu's and some stuff to load, but if

I am 22, and I never was. You just had older teachers that didn't take the time to research changing standards.

APA is one of, if not the only, professional writing guide I know of that still sticks to this. Hence why I said 'nearly' other styles like MLA and Chicago specifically state 1 space is the preferred or required method.

1 example does not prove or disprove anything. Chicago style, MLA style, all book and magazine publishers, and most journals state that 1 space is proper. Seriously go to a book store and start picking up random books published after 1960, then come back and let me know how many have 2 spaces after periods. (Spoiler