
Basically this is how it went down:

Tragedy happens to woman and son

Local dealership runs an ad saying 'oh the tragedy, send us money and we will forward it to said woman to help her out, we are doing this as a PR stunt to make us look better'

Dealership never sends her money, despite the fact that they said they would,

What do I want to see out of PC game controllers? I want to see them go away. They are a crappy interface for nearly every game, and using a keyboard and mouse is one of the biggest reasons for playing on PC to begin with.

The only thing I think controllers are acceptable for are driving or flight games, in which case

I took a trip with my dad when he decided to buy a goldwing trike. Drive was about 6 hours each way.

I'm currently in the process of shopping for a new car, and this will be one of my deal breakers.

The car I want will likely have to be ordered in (I'm picky), but I will be telling them to make sure there is no dealer advertisement on it or one of the following situations will have to happen:
1. I will refuse delivery

It really is great stuff. I have a friend that moved out to california and I have to overnight him some in a small cooler every once in a while. Just as a heads up, it can be kinda hard to find there. I make pretty much a yearly trip to dayton for about a week for the WGI Indoor Percussion World Finals, and it seems

You are exactly correct. Trail bologna is specifically made, or at least the majority of it, in holmes county. It definitely seems to be more popular on the eastern side of the state, but I have also seen it in wal-marts and other stores in dayton when I make my occasional trip there.

4? They should cut it to 2, because they are all the same.

Make a 4 door-4 seater and a 2 door-2 seater.

Then make all the other crap that they differentiate as 'different cars' as options on those cars like every other manufacturer.

Want a roadster? Great, order the 2 door and click the check the box next to

Ohio - Trail Bologna
This stuff is amazing, and it is only sold in Ohio. Get some crackers and cheese with it and it becomes even more amazing.

I think its getting really dusty in my office.

THANK YOU! As a web developer myself I know it isn't exactly the easiest problem to address the order and speed things load on the page, but I am sure you guys will figure it out. It would also be cool to have a little post about what you guys did to change things too.

I would say its better all around, especially on mobile, except for one thing. The mobile site still takes a while to load, especially images and advertising posts. Because of this articles seem to jump around for like 10 seconds every time you load the front page, you attempt to click on something and spontaneously a

Pretty much every football game ever.

I completely agree with what RevCrowley said, plus you have to realize, lawsuits aren't solved overnight. This man's family could be out of an income for months. We have no idea what his finances are, but without an income, everyone I know wouldn't be able to pay for things like rent or a house loan, wouldn't be able

Think about it this way, the man was fired, which means he no longer has a source of income. Which means he, and his family if he has one, is going to be negatively affected. Since he was fired he can't get unemployment. His family just lost a major source of income, possibly even their main source of income. You

As a devoted Christian myself, the owner of this place was clearly in the wrong, and it is the image he portrays that the majority of Christians are trying to fight against.

I have no problem with him offering his employees a Bible study. I have no problems with him opening his meetings with prayer. However, I have

This makes me sad to live in a state that requires front license plates

I didn't get one this weekend, but I am in the process. Giving my insurance company a call tomorrow to get some quotes, going by a dealership this evening to get some rough estimates.

So yesterday, I posted in Matt Hardigree's ask me anything morning shift about me searching for a new car and trying to choose between a Focus ST, Fiesta ST, and a BRZ. If the new Miata indeed looks like this, and comes in at around the same price point as the current Miata, that discussion will become worthless,

Yeah the 1999 is the first year in the "New Edge" style. And honestly, its been a good car, especially for it being my first car, and for the price I paid. It has been amazingly reliable. Really all I have done to it up until now has been general maintenance, replaced the head gasket when I first picked it up, and

Yeah the problem is my current car, a 1999 Merc Cougar, is starting to fall apart. This past winter's weather and potholes was really rough on the poor thing. At this point, it is going to cost more to get everything back into shape then the car is even worth, and on top of that I have never liked this car, I bought