
Thanks for your opinion. I kinda feel that the ST is an all around better car too. But to be completely honest, I think it looks ugly as s***. Whereas I like the looks of the BRZ, I mean I am your typical 22 year old guy, and it doesn't seem to really be that much worse of a car. This is going to be my first NEW car

I am looking at getting a new car, and I am going back and forth between the Focus ST and a BRZ.

I really like the fact the BRZ is RWD and a coupe, and a lot lighter. At the same time, the Focus ST is slightly more practical with its FWD because I live in Ohio and we get a ton of snow.

Which on would you get and why?

I would have crashed at least 10 separate times... I really want to know where I learn to drive like this.

Neutral: As far as I am concerned 1 death from manufacturer negligence is where it goes to "Yeesh".

As much money as these companies pull in, they have absolutely no excuse for not doing proper testing. Someone dying in a vehicle because of their own stupidity (driving like a maniac) is one thing, dying in a vehicle

Couple issues with this.

1. Why in the hell would you be using an aerial ladder right underneath powerlines? Just pull the truck forward 10 feet. Did no one look up at all? I can't imagine they just plopped down out of the truck and said 'eh there are powerlines right overhead... but its all good, lets get in this

Is anyone else absolutely amazed at how little camera shake there was from the impact?

Notice that they are activated by the steering... not the turn signal.

In Ohio at least, the parrallel parking test is now called the 'Maneuverability' test.

It is this:

When I go garage-saleing, I immediately leave any garage sale that doesn't have most things priced. I find it infuriating and annoying having to ask the owner the price on every stupid single item I am interested in, while there are 10 other people trying to get their attention to do the same thing.

Well as people get more used to them we should see more tuning options. Most of it will probably come from cooling, just like with computers and overclocking. With electrical components, typically the biggest thing stopping you from pushing them harder and faster is heat. If you can keep things cooler you can run it

I do that too in a lot of instances... although I wouldn't exactly call myself normal either... and I do have the engineer/programmer gene. Maybe it's just a thing with us.

"Car has a hybrid drive system with a turbine and electric, turbo boosters that pop out when wanted, you want fancy driver aids? How about an operational AI that acts as driver aids and can self drive if needed. Downforce? Well these things can drive on the ceiling. They are bullet proof (as seen in the show) and have

This, this right here is why I watch your channel. Your screwed up, make others uncomfortable sense of humor resonates with mine.

I live very close to the Waikem dealerships, and actually go to church just a few miles away. That being said, I see/hear their advertisements all the time on tv/radio. I have always thought their advertising is relatively well done.

Actually, I was mistaken. It seems they are still legal pretty much worldwide, its just near impossible to comply with safety standards now with them.


They are no longer legal in the US. Cars manufactured with them are legal, but manufacturers can't design new cars with them.

While it certainly isn't the rule, I tend to notice a large difference between the groups that do these things.

The group that gets the loans tends to trade up to a newer vehicle as soon as the loan is paid off, simply because they want the newer shinier vehicle. They do not trade up because there is a problem with

pop-up headlights, it's definitely pop-up headlights

That's the thing, if you buy a pair of cans from this list, you won't have to replace them every year or two. Heck, any of the cans on this list should last you 10+ years easy. Assuming you don't absolutely abuse the things.

I work for an advertising firm, and our Audio/Video editing guy has a pair of the Sony's that

That's the thing, if you buy a pair of cans from this list, you won't have to replace them every year or two. Heck,

They were nominated in the original post, they didn't make the cut.

They were nominated in the original post, they didn't make the cut.