Sorry to tell you but $120 is pretty much the entry point for GOOD headphones.
Sorry to tell you but $120 is pretty much the entry point for GOOD headphones.
Sorry to tell you but $120 is pretty much the entry point for GOOD headphones.
Sorry to tell you but $120 is pretty much the entry point for GOOD headphones.
YES! Definitely. I used to use a pair of Logitech G35's on my computer, because they are a cheap but ok headset for the $40 or $50 I paid for them. But with the G35's, they weighed a ton, had really weird pressure points around the cup, and didn't have enough clamping force to keep them in place. With the closed…
YES! Definitely. I used to use a pair of Logitech G35's on my computer, because they are a cheap but ok headset for…
For the price, if you want great sound reproduction, with a relatively flat and accurate response, these are the best you can get. Because of the open design you get an absolutely amazing soundstage. Thats why they get my vote.
But, if you need a more closed style, because of of noise or people around you, the Sony's…
For the price, if you want great sound reproduction, with a relatively flat and accurate response, these are the…
This, or at least the first part. I know I will have to put my flamesuit on here too, but so be it. But at this point in time, I wouldn't even dream of joining the military. With all the conflicts we keep getting ourselves into, and can't seem to stay out of, I honestly think you need a death wish to join. As you…
Not quite how it works, the detection system on especially google's driveless cars are extremely good, it would know the semi is coming before it even got into the median, already predicted its trajectory, and then take actions to evade a collision. In fact its interesting to note, google has had their driveless cars…
I actually know someone who got a speeding ticket on his bicycle. He does a lot of bike races and a lot of mountain biking, and has gotten really good at keeping a pretty high pace for long periods of time. He was in a 25mph zone here and got a ticket for 32mph. He keeps a copy of it in his wallet to show people who…
Is it just me, or does anyone else watch Regular Car Reviews for the songs at the beginning and end more then they do for the content. Although the content is amazing too.
Exactly this! I don't run into it with cars much, because I really just know the basics, oil, spark plugs, liquids, fuses, etc. But I am a computer programmer, and people ask me for help all the time and I tell them how to fix it and I just get blank stares and then I realize "Holy crap, this person doesn't even know…
Really without any grip at all? Without the grips its practically a hard faced rectangle. I use the wider rubberized grip, with full weight just because I like a heavy mouse for some reason.
Really without any grip at all? Without the grips its practically a hard faced rectangle. I use the wider rubberized…
Not to mention, in the US at least, debit card rewards tend to be non-existent or suck compared to credit card rewards.
Exactly what I am saying haha. The G9 to me is one of the best mice available still, but it is still starting to show its age a lot. To this day it is one of the very few (and one of only 2 mice) that have been awarded the coveted "10 - Kick-Ass" award from MaximumPC.
Exactly what I am saying haha. The G9 to me is one of the best mice available still, but it is still starting to…
Well, just like they have been updating the 500 series and so on with new and better materials, the G9 has not gotten that treatment. The G9 hasn't seen a new iteration since 2009 and it is starting to show its age.
The materials its built with just haven't stood up to the test of time. I know 4 or 5 different people…
Well, just like they have been updating the 500 series and so on with new and better materials, the G9 has not…
Just let me know when they make a true and real replacement for the g9/g9x and actually put some real support behind it.
Just let me know when they make a true and real replacement for the g9/g9x and actually put some real support behind…
It does what you would expect, if it can safely and legally get into the next lane and pass it does, if not it stops. Heck, this is one of the EASIEST parts of autonomous cars, in fact nearly every car I can think of since 2010 that isn't marketed as a super-budget or sports car has had collision detection and…
Yup its official, you have my vote for president. Miata's and BRZ's FOR EVERYONE!!!
A $5k incentive to buy my attainably priced dream car the BRZ (hey I am only 22 so I am quite restricted by that attainably priced part). You have my vote in everything.
If you are thinking about buying the G35 headset, don't. The last few drivers have been crap and cause all kinds of volume spiking and drops, which is a widely reported problem on their forums. Running an older driver can fix this but then a lot of other issues pop up if you use anything else logitech.
If you are thinking about buying the G35 headset, don't. The last few drivers have been crap and cause all kinds of…
So I have wanted to loose some weight for a while now and hopefully you can help me out.
My problem is that I can't keep weight off during the winter. During the summer, I rollerblade and typically am able to get down to around 180 lbs. But then I gain 40-50 lbs back during the winter, stuck inside during the gloomy…
I like your style.