Rachel at Cardholder Services

Oh fuck you lady. Fuck you so hard. My sister ate perfectly nutritious foods 98% of the time- I could live on cake. She slept well each night and woke the same time each day. I have been known to “ride it out” and just sleep the following day through. If I am really giddy you can bet that I have not slept in at least

I am.

Nah, probably one of her sisters.

worst hackers in baseball

Damn, that Republican primary is heating up

Announcers on horsebacks are the real winners

It’s time to bring up the Chinese restaurant again:

I mean it is easy to see why. Men are taught from young age to never care or think about woman perspective- her feelings, pain, poverty doesn’t count. Men being rejected in nice way in high school once is much worse in their eyes then woman who was raped few times in her life or beaten up when she had audacity to say

Uhmmm I think the idea of bracelets that synchronize with music sounds like an AWESOME idea, even without them saving lives. I want one.

GOD I HATE BOB SAGET sorry you had to encounter such a piece of shit

Normally, I don’t do this to people I don’t know, but, fuck you.

You are an awful human being. Stop trolling these posts. If you genuinely can’t understand that people have bad relationships with their mothers and that this weekend is especially hard for them, then you need to learn some basic fucking empathy. Go the fuck away.

You don’t know the full story of the choices this person had to make, so you should dial it back on the judgment.

I have always loathed this “holiday,” but now that I have my own children I tolerate it. They give me Nutella and let me sleep in, and in return I work to make them feel all the love, support, and acceptance that was sorely missing from my childhood.

I like the article but the black bars over the girls faces makes me feel like I’m looking at illicit photos. CREEPY. Not sure if that was done intentionally or not.

She is one of the few who, I believe, took the theme seriously without pulling an IggyKatyDepp.

Really? That just seems tasteless and out of place to me.

I assume because it adds a bit of a humorous setup to the “but we wanted the tour of the factory!” line. Turns it into a punchline, making it a nicer story than just “look how dumb these idiots were” :)