

How could it not be staged? I know of no town that would allow a combine spitting fire to roam its streets without any comotion.

No need to delve into BIOS settings to power a Windows system up. Just create any task through the Task Scheduler and make sure to check the option in the Advanced tab to wake the system up to run it.

I loved it when Jezz set a skier on fire. It was bizarre how cool the guy was about it.


... and like two-color strips at night.

Not the first time in this list, but the Thesis' taillights look like chrome details during the day...

I support Carolla! Down with the PC police!

How about almost stock cars as they do in Europe with FIA WTCC?

Smart Fortwo ED... Really?

I come from a 3rd-world country, yet all through out my hometown one could choose between two cable companies, one MMDS provider and one satellite TV. Yet in America I have to deal with "natural" monopolies, which have nothing natural about them, except that city councils sell the privileges to the highest bidder,

Hasn't this been true for decades now?

I'm honored to have been born the same year as this masterpiece.

I'll take all the flak for this, but not because I don't believe in personal responsibility or because it's right if one's not caught. Rather, I think that we, as citizens, can interact with each other and hold ourselves accountable on our own. We don't really need to bring the law into this, so while he was calling

Yes, they do hit "things".

Let go of your PC lens! It's quite a chivalrous ad.

This is a 1933 design, whereas the Tatra V570 was shown in 1931.

Apparently, his designs lagged Tatra's by a couple of years.