
@ddhboy: exactly, otherwise, where was the FCC during the MS XBOX360 debacle, among many other recall worthy messups.

@Tyrunn: Circumstances that involve words like "chance" and "would" are nowhere near grounds for sex-offender registration.

@Tyrunn: There's a critical difference between copying a nude portion of a film (in which the actor made the choice to expose themselves to the masses), and taking spy shots of a person naked without their willing in real life. The latter warrants treatment as a sex crime, while the former is simply just copyright

@Paranoiaxssr: Precisely. Let's hope the guy can just pull out and run away with a broken dick after he goes limp.

@The Anti-Fanboy: As do I as well as one Falcon. I don't think I use either of them often enough to justify the upgrade..=(

@Crisss1205: Glad you could present us with an apples to... papaya comparison.

"Sawed off shotgun, hand on the pump..."

@Omar Galarza: For reals? I thought there would be plenty of them around now? Well I hope they're in stock when I get back to Ohio at the end of the month..

@cruud: lol "swollen" nice

@Xgeoph Ray: I agree but I'm starting to crack. I thought I was sold on the much more economical EVO or even Galaxy S Pro, but everybody's soo excited about this thing...I gotta at least check it out..

@Polite Society: Cosign. Especially considering Samsungs post release support has been lackluster..

ETA please? I don't think I can wait too much longer to dump my Treo Pro..

@edroid: HBO on XBOX Live would be amazing! But it definitely wouldn't be free like ESPN.. =(