
I’m baffled that USC is ~such~ a feather in a parent’s cap. Yeah, it’s a good school but am I undervaluing it?

I can’t help but agree. There’s an arrested development here that I find unsettling. You can be a bright and colorful Nickelodeon-esque teenager and appeal to elementary school fanbase without seeming like you’re trying to be one of them (see: Clarissa Darling.)

That’s a strange world you live in, where the only fashion options are “Rainbow Brite” or “25 year old sex kitten”.

That outfit has like a 80's/90's futuristic vibe. Like Jem and Holograms meets Rainbow Brite. As a child, I wanted to change my name to She-Ra Rainbow Brite Mary Poppins Princess of Power so I am really digging this outfit. As a 15/16 year old, I would not have rocked it because I got real dark in high school.

Why the hate? Her fans are all much younger, like my 9 and 7 year old daughters. This is a completely appropriate look for a 16 year old. Why does she have to go the route of looking like a 25 year old sex kitten? Nothing wrong with loving rainbows at any age. Maybe it’s over the top, that is her brand and I have

I have a very unpopular opinion that they should not go to jail. But should pay HUGE fines based on their personal wealth. Putting them in jail will cost taxpayers money. These are rich greedy people - hit ‘em where it hurts. If they go to jail they’ll find god and want to tell of their harrowing tale and how they

I don’t know if I should be mad I’ve spent twenty years or so trying to make my face look less shiny, or happy that now it’s a look, and I’m free to be oily?

Honestly I’m impressed at the ingenuity of attaching transmitters to the males in order to find the females. That’s pretty clever.

“Mummy, you’ve destroyed my life! I shan’t speak to you ever again! Now....give me this week’s sack of money immediately!”

One-I love that no one will hate the Twilight series the way Robert Pattinson does

“I’m very sorry for my poor decision-making”

I guess I'm in the minority. Ikea is the physical manifestation of a migraine.

Yeah, it’s super weird that a child would have hangups about someone posting a picture of them to literally millions of people...

...Darwin is in the Northern Territory (of Australia).

I never thought leather lingerie could be so boring. And it only comes in Extra Small, Small, and Medium. Why am I not surprised?

But but but...if we had some commie pinko European socialist healthcare here we’d have to wait MONTHS just to get in to see a doctor!

The only people I know* that want ALL THE GUNS are not hunters, they are suburban black helicopter nutjobs who think either the world is going to end on their watch or the gov’t is coming specifically for them, or some combo of both

Another key difference is that the New Zealand gun lobby has also come out in favour of banning them, openly stating that there’s no need for assault weapons to be legal while other rifles still regulated will be adequate for hunting needs.

“Predictable but comforting” was what made me love L.M. Montgomery’s books so much. Anne of Green Gables was like opening a door into a really lovely world where things were mostly *nice* in a super magical way. I’ll grab one of her books when I’m sad or sick as a little treat for myself.

A friend of mine kept insisting that she didn’t write her own books, but I finally convinced her she does. She takes it very seriously, and treats it like a more than a full time job. They may not be “great literature”, but they sure are a good read.