
I guess I could be a donor with my huge ass Groucho Marx eyebrows that I have to pluck like every 2 weeks.

Um, that reads as if I am insane and running 4 half marathons in a 8-week period; what I meant was, in two months, I will be running my 4th half marathon. Sheesh, sorry.

You will. Stick with it. You just described my first-ever attempt at running, about a dozen years ago. Oh, and I barfed at the end. This is a case of turtle, not hare. You really can do it. I promise. I'm running (slow and steady and strong) my 4th half-marathon in two months. Good luck. Running is cheap, fun and

I've opted not to have fertility treatment, etc. We've been trying for years to get pregnant; I'm 38 1/2 and kinda giving up that I'll get pregnant. We put away the charts and the thermometer, and are focusing on just being a couple. It was a very difficult decision.

Oh my god, they really do exist...

Thanks! I am from Boston. She came to speak at NEU where I go to school. I am hoping that as more and more lady gamers stand their ground that things will get better.

My entire family is obese. And, I'm not saying obese to be mean; I'm a doctor and they medically fit the criteria for obesity. I see the way that people look at them when we all board a plane together. Quite honestly the only thing that holds me back from slapping those judgmental assholes in the face is that I

Now playing

As a female gamer I have often struggled with whether to just give up. Whether to just retreat from gaming spaces and avoid the constant rape and death threats I receive for simply being present.

As a Trans woman myself, I hate to be this way... but I am not sure if people realize that the overboard cooing over how attractive a transwoman or transman can be almost as bad as someone constantly badgering people about their sex life. It may come from a good place, but often times it just comes off as

When my sister was transitioning (male to female) the most painful part for her was the emotional, verbal and physical abuse that she was victim to in college and later. In addition, there was the pain of knowing that you are in the wrong body, that society will likely reject you, and that there's a chance that your

Baby strangers are just baby friends you haven't met yet

Most all babies are strangers to me...

"neither plastic nor rubber."


Summer is kitten season, for sure, but please consider adoption criteria other than looks/coat color. Please.

I think that's after-the-fact. The role wasn't written for a black guy.

I SWEAR those pictures aren't really him =/

I was just about to say the same thing! Gawd, I hate those commercials.

A friend's dog at a rubik's cube once. Same reaction - colorful poop. It's hard to get too worried about dogs when they eat garden hoses, grill covers and assorted things your kids have left on the floor.

A friend's dog once at an entire bag of individually wrapped Rolos. He was fine—not enough actual chocolate in those things to be dangerous to a biggish dog. But for days after, his poop was so festively silver and gold.