
I'll just use this as a place to promote NPR's Winston Flowers fundraiser. I bought my mom the dozen roses and she called me to tell me she started crying when she saw them because they were so beautiful :) $150 might be more than some people want to spend but the quality is guaranteed AND it supports your local

I got more than a couple requests while working at Gamestop for a "we 2"... I assumed they were reading Wii as Wi-II or something retarded like that.

I worked at GameStop for one year. My top three stories:

Keep doing what you're doing!

The comments that stemmed from the Girls episode about average girl/hot guy shocked me, not in their cruelty but just that so many people apparently concern themselves with what other people find attractive. I never realized so many people bought completely into the idea that there is One True Look that is beautiful

All I can say is that this was one of the less disturbing results when I put "pony butt" into Google images. The freaking Bronies are ruining everything!!

Yay glad someone called attention to the wonder of a good horse butt! The butthole, not so much of course... but there's nothing better than a nice big Quarter Horse flank when you're cold and need something to hug.

WTF is wrong with whoever 'shopped the left Kate Upton photo? WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH HER RIGHT BOOB??? And why would they give Anne V such a covering top and make Kate wear one that barely covers her nipples? Blergh.

Kristen Bell is gorgeous and adorable, and petite, short and small-chested, and dated a slew of hotties as Veronica Mars :)

That one was really good. StoryCorps gets me every time it's on and I end up all near-weepy on my way in to work!

All three of them are and you will LOVE them! I think you can get all three playable on modern Windows thanks to GOG for like $20. They are my standard of great 90's adventure games packed with story and good puzzles and not many others come close (I've played most of them). I hope Jane Jensen's new project Pinkerton

I've heard anecdotally that Icelanders have a much looser interpretation of "mating for life" and way more people there have half-siblings because of it. At the same time I agree with what you're saying, but I think the important part is for the couple to keep each other as the top priority. I remember hearing an

I got married this past year and I hate that it occasionally crosses my mind that according to some people my husband is biologically programmed to eventually cheat, despite the fact that we have an active sex life and make each other really happy. I don't want to develop insecurities based on not-real problems and I

This is called "swiping the credit card" and getting either approved or declined, according to my ex-frat-boy husband...


If you mean the spoiler, no; I was talking about her revealing that she tried to kill her father, which happens late in the 2nd book but is revealed at the end of the first movie.

I've watched the full arc of The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, The Wire and Dexter multiple times and always in mini-marathon format... and yet I think my truthful answer here is: Real Housewives of Anywhere.

Now playing

This guy sounds like the model for the "Prince of Persuasia" on Bob's Burgers last season.

It's cool, no worries :) the plot of books 2 an 3 are so crazy, I think I really preferred the first one!