
Let the women’s team play the men’s team and we’ll see who deserves what kind of pay.

Yeah, let’s make sure everybody playing games and looking pretty while talking on camera are the first covered in the great gender gap in pay.

Equal pay? Their performance isn’t equal to the men’s...

So because Rob Dibble got upset, this is a big deal?

These two actually have a lot in common. Afterward each took out his frustration on some guy in a cage.

I have to side with Jones on this one. If he really did something illegal, how do you explain him still being in the car?

Animals. Simply animals. Little kids watching that, learning. Fucking animals.

I am so very, very sorry that turned out to be on video.

Youth baseball had 380ft down the line??

Are you using the same Internet that we are all using, or a different one?

How could anyone possibly care?

Gamers acting like entitled retards? Color me shocked.

Oh, yes. It was massive conspiracy, carefully plotted in 2014. They spent two years rubbing their hands together and laughing during board meetings, craftily waiting to piss off a million future internet users with a bait and switch of epic proportions, crushing one million hopes and dreams forever. They carefully

Except it’s time-stamped from 2 years ago...

But thats the way games like these work. You already know that at some point the light level is going to be raised to 350, but you still aim for 335 despite that information.

And they should always go for it on 4th and short?

“Now the math is no longer in favor of booming a kick out the back of the end zone.”

There’s more than a little irony in Gawker deleting comments referencing a court case where they’re fighting for free speech on the internet

Damn. I bet he's furrowing his unibrow right about now...

Any more of a shit sandwich than deleting all the comments that disagree with you?