
“And Lukes faddah is Dahth Vadah? Whose his mutha? Does he have a mutha? And whose his grandfaddah? How are we supposta keep track of these people? I’m tellin’ ya... 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 7.... {long pause] 8....”

Forget the timeline, based on that segment I’m not even sure that I could explain to him that The Fast and the Furious and Fast & Furious are two different movies.

“Mike! It’s like how the Yankees start the season already having won the World Series!”

-Vinny from Staten Island/Sal from the Bronx/Literally anyone who calls into WFAN

well they already have two

He’s out for the season with a torn patellar tendon, the same injury that Victor Cruz had. Usually takes a full year to recover from, and there’s no guarantee that he’ll be the same player when he returns.

Injury truthers, now? We’ve got goddamn injury truthers?!

Look up “apparent.”

Another Sly Stallone movie featuring a deaf character (Copland, now Creed). Is this a commentary on Frank’s singing?

+311 I am ready to fight

(Despite his self-professed love of and pretentious styling after Roger Ebert, Leitch forgets that, in addition to Roger knowing almost infinitely more about and having almost infinitely more memory of film, Roger fucking Ebert gave fucking four stars all the time to movies that fucking deserved it.

Only if this scene was recreated between stallone and Creed’s son would it have been deserving of an “A”.

Uh no, but the prosecutor and all the cops on the affidavit covered up and they should face punishment for that? you’re really dense. We don’t just want a murder charge, we want the corrupt cops who allowed it to be covered up for a year to be fired. we want the prosecutor who sat on the video for a year and refused

Excuse for using your joke as a jumping point, but it’s no coincidence that two of the more thoughtful, provocative voices on police violence are Greg and Bomani, two journalists who are nominally in sports, for the same reason it took a threatened boycott by a football team to make Mizzou a national story.

“Riot” is white person speak for anytime there are enough black people assembling in one place to scare them.

And yet, people still deny it. People whose political beliefs otherwise run along the lines of “You have to protect yourself against the government’s tyranny” are perfectly content to overlook this stuff, mostly because of prejudicial fears and a lack of empathy with other cultures.

As a black man, that’s a pretty cool thing you just said. I think POC, in general, want justice but on a more personal level just want to live in a world where a white guy and a black guy can see the same dashcam footage and feel the same thing, that’s like the bare minimum...to know that this situation is supremely

Ok, so the cop was charged with murder

Someone somewhere else on Gawker pointed out that you can test positive for PCP but not actually take PCP. There are other drugs - including cough syrup - that can result in you testing positive for PCP. Not saying this kid didn’t actually take PCP, but given how they’ve handled everything else with this case, I think

“Bomani, man, what’re you talking about. If they just pulled up their pants, they’d be fine.”

He’s dead right. I know there will be a thousand comments on here relexively defending the police, but watch the goddamn video.