
There is a cognitive dissonance in saying that Cousins is a better fit for the system and a better chance of winning, when he is preforming so badly and they keep on losing. Maybe its not just that the QBs are bad, but the system itself is crap. So why stick with a crappy QB because he is better in a crappy system?

Great work, Tom! He sounds insufferable. Was he?

This was a good read, and a most unexpected one. But it’s only fair that if you do a giant piece on Bronson Arroyo, you now do one on Wily Mo Peña as well.

Now playing

There’s never a bad time to post this Arroyo commercial.

Ctrl+F “cornrows”

The only Bronson Arroyo I wanna remember is cornrow Bronson Arroyo

So pumped to see this story on True Detective Season 3.

+1 beaning

I’m not that impressed. 14-2 in Canada is only like... 11-1.5 American

Cliff Pennington has officially pitched in more playoff games than Felix Hernandez.

Dude throws a nice ball in a totally isolated situation in a temperature controlled studio. Maybe he should sign on as a backup for Romo.

Guessing A-Rod had receivers with verticals better than 2.5 inches in high school.

Nice throw!

That’s what happens when you have a Hobbit at wide receiver.

The Jays only have 2 lefty pitchers on their entire roster. They left Price in to take advantage of the string of lefties coming up in the Royals order (due to conventional wisdom saying lefty hitters do worse against left pitchers). Unfortunately, those lefty hitters proceeded to go 3-3 off Price. Doubly



My favorite part was the the two MSU fans looking for all the world like they were about to flee for their lives. The older guy definitely looked like “That was great! Now let’s get the fuck out of here”

The bush outside my house is literally on fire.