
Yes. Oh my gosh. It made me so sad I could only watch it once and every time someone else wanted to watch it I'd have to leave before Big Bird's Bluebird act.


I don't really think the corsets/whisky have anything to do with the loss of the baby. I mean, if that were true, then there would've bee a lot fewer people being born back in the day…..


It's some cliched way of thinking that having a fatal disease makes you all Wise About Life.

I've always wanted to laugh/snort/make a snide comment….but then I also don't want to hurt the person's feelings. Emma was probably internally fighting the urge to giggle/eye roll.

Believe it or not….that dialogue actually HAPPENS IRL…..I have CF, and have had a transplant, and the number of people who get all sappy saying that I'm brave and a warrior and all that jazz is unsettlingly high. Sadly, it's not just TV show talk!

I was totally thinking that!

well I'm not saying it's ACCURATE. I'm saying that his character is supposed to be from Manchester, but the accent as a whole goes in and out and is all over the place.

Right, it's supposed to Manchester, England. But it sure goes in and out. :)

Maybe This Time gets performed a LOT though—Glee did it, and I think even Pushing Daisies did it. It's very popular on TV shows.

Oh, I hope DA doesn't. The fourth season was awful except for the pigs.

Yes! When she was going on about the law, I'm thinking, And she KNOWS!