
Oh, are jokes not supposed to be funny here anymore? Is that a new thing?

Coaches and parents tell themselves that shit like this “is routine” so they feel zero responsibility for torturing these kids.

child. its a child.

the man mistook me for the catering staff literally an hour into a fundraiser where we sat at the same table and had some conversations. many in the community agree his is racist and glad he’s finally gone.

I got you. I didn’t think you were defending the guy but hey, maybe you knew something I didn’t. The judiciary is a weakness in any government but it doesn’t seem like there’s a better way. You covered elections and appointments, a lottery and hereditary office are about all that’s left. Pardons, recall votes and

Well, you’re pretty easy to peg: You’re someone who identifies strongly with Trump, and has somehow tied their sense of intrinsic self to them at least enough that you view a criticism of the candidate as a criticism of your judgment and taste. So you’re constantly feeling like you need to defend Trump, even in

I was afraid that Abraham Lincoln zinger from the last debate would be Trump’s “you’re no Jack Kennedy” moment (as plagarized as it was). But holy shit did she just burn him tonight, repeatedly. The casino/chinese steel line actually made me lol. She was just on cruise control at that point! LOVED it.

Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.

What did she say? Just switched from Stephanopoulos to the CNN romper room. Omg just saw Van Jones say “you cannot polish this turd”, only to be corrected by Cooper saying “technically, you can’t polish ANY turd.”

One of the worst things about this election is learning exactly what percentage of Americans are total monsters.

I also enjoyed the footnote to that comment from the judge “Foulke clearly believes that her horses create no odor, perhaps in the way my mother firmly believed that her children were handsome”

Seriously. One of them brought a sprinkler system filled with diarrhea to the debate, then everyone talks about how they are both covered in shit.

I kind of felt like Donald Trump wanted that to happen the most, so he could immediately spin any conversation about policy away into “THEY LITERALLY TURNED OFF MY MIC I TOLD YOU THIS WHOLE THING IS RIGGED.”

How has this not happened already?!?

“But we ignored all of these warning signs for months in favor of bitching about Hillary Clinton not giving press conferences. We sure showed her!”

Exactly. I read initially that he left because he disagreed with the way members of the production crew were being treated, and thought it was nice that he was standing up for them.

Right? When they ask you to do the 50th, if you’re not a total diva, you say thank you and yes. Then you work with them and try to have fun. Just smile, give them what they want, and cash your check.

Yeah, I’m calling bullshit on this. If he had actually liked the character, if he really felt any sense of reverence for the fifty f’n years that Doctor Who has blazed trails and shaped science fiction as a whole, he’d have swallowed his differences with whatever elements of the old regime he’s currently blaming for

“I don’t want to continue in such a poor programme, with a grueling television schedule.”