Every post in here is going to be it’s own NPOCP.
Neutral: The traditional dealer system, as we know it, wouldn’t exist today if it wasn’t for laws that basically require it to work this way. Imagine using the “build your own” feature on a manufacturer’s web site, and on the summary page there’s an Amazon-like “buy now” button. After arranging financing (which you…
Absolutely. But then, in general: all of the conservative lawmakers who suddenly change their minds as to their ethics when their own family is dealing with the issues?
Trump is the direct result of the Fox Newsification of American politics.
Marion Cottilard is a beautiful woman that, at least in terms of classical beauty, is an upagrade on Jolie. I tried to think of a way to say that without offending the target audience here at Jezebel and came up empty. Sorry in advance ladies.
looks aren’t everything. perhaps angelina jolie is a pain in the ass? or maybe she is dull or stupid or boring.
Add any Camry owner to that.
“Driving for enjoyment”
Cowboy abuses Redskin woman.
It was August 1980, in Jesolo, Italy. Ayrton Senna, aged 20, lay in a deck chair by the hotel pool—steely-eyed,…
It advances the world of beer advertising though...
NASCAR does suck. It does not advance the world of Motorsports in technology or excitement.
We don’t hate Toyota, we hate the boring FWD crapcan drivers that buy Camry’s and justify their existance.
Any man who let’s his wife/girlfriend/sister/mom/cousin drive instead of him.
Yeah, online whiny “enthsiasts” should have to put down a deposit before car companies invest millions in production and advertising, otherwise just accept that your finances and needs require a practical crossover bar of soap. Tesla Model 3 fans did. If you want a small, fun, cheap, good looking sportscar get a…
Disagree, the engine (and the entire car, really) was a perfect starting platform for tuning. That extra 50 lbs-ft would constitute a weekend’s worth of work, at the worst. It didn’t need to come perfect from the factory, which was where it’s value shines IMO.
Hating on Jalopnik now?