Any driver stuck behind THAT person texting at a left turn light, and then taking so long to get going that they make it just in time for the light to turn red, leaving all others behind. Whom the fuck suffers these fools gladly??? WHOM???
Any driver stuck behind THAT person texting at a left turn light, and then taking so long to get going that they make it just in time for the light to turn red, leaving all others behind. Whom the fuck suffers these fools gladly??? WHOM???
Or worse, a group of them spread out making it impossible to pass.
I once foolishly didn’t check the weather to drive back to college, and not only did I get hit with sleet, but rock salt as well. Pain with some extra seasoning.
While she is texting and has full occupation of the left lane. If I had a rocket launcher...
You might want to start with a GoPedal. Easy to install, and a noticable difference in throttle response for not much money. After that, the sky’s the limit, with aftermarket mods. Mine has the stage 3 Road Race intake/ECU. Magnaflow Dynamax exhaust as well, which makes it sound even angrier than the great stock…
The hell with the Porche, just the writing in this article made me howl like a monkey! I look forward to more graverobber.
I’m feeling verklempt.
I think that this car would get rave reviews if there weren’t so many great choices out there. 25 years ago, my neighbor had an SE-R and it was a two door rolling barrel of monkeys. It was simple, and followed the original GTI/BMW 3 series/CRX model of fun over creature comforts.
Awesome just got awesomer. Crazy just got crazier.
Please show the world a picture of the slug that ripped him off, when he is apprehended. The world needs both closure and to be educated as to what a creep like this looks like.
It has a very Aztek-like aesthetic quality about it. And yet, it will sell, because of the masses that like to be told what to buy.
I’m sure that the NRA is quivering in their Tony Lamas. Because they simply don’t care. They have created the gun huggers, and the idea that an armed society is a polite society is nothing short of absurd, but gun sales are skyrocketing. As are mass shootings.
This car will repossess your home, divorce your wife, and leave you with PTSD. Stay very far away, and forget that you even saw this.
Hats off to these heroic men saving women everywhere. Meanwhile, over at Jezebel...
About 3 months ago I went searching for my mechanical soulmate, after compromising family man style for the last 15 years. So when you said this; “Still, I managed some quality GTI time, and I was impressed, but probably not smitten.” I felt exactly that. I miss the old feel of the original GTI’s of the 80's, and it…
But aren’t Communist and Corporate takeover the same thing?
I more concerned about criminal brutality, which we should all be protesting. But it’s easier to blame the police, or that somebody commits a crime because of the “system”. That’s why we are seeing the summer massacre in Chicago, right?
And you still can’t take it with you!