
I’m sure that the NRA is quivering in their Tony Lamas. Because they simply don’t care. They have created the gun huggers, and the idea that an armed society is a polite society is nothing short of absurd, but gun sales are skyrocketing. As are mass shootings.

This car will repossess your home, divorce your wife, and leave you with PTSD. Stay very far away, and forget that you even saw this.

Hats off to these heroic men saving women everywhere. Meanwhile, over at Jezebel...

About 3 months ago I went searching for my mechanical soulmate, after compromising family man style for the last 15 years. So when you said this; “Still, I managed some quality GTI time, and I was impressed, but probably not smitten.” I felt exactly that. I miss the old feel of the original GTI’s of the 80's, and it

And kids can bring guns to class, and history books are rewritten, and 95% of all guns supplied to the Mexican cartels come from......guess where?

But aren’t Communist and Corporate takeover the same thing?

I more concerned about criminal brutality, which we should all be protesting. But it’s easier to blame the police, or that somebody commits a crime because of the “system”. That’s why we are seeing the summer massacre in Chicago, right?

And you still can’t take it with you!

Oh, the irony. Oh, the humanity. Why doesn’t he stand up against the largest killer of the Black population, and that would be their fellow “brothers”? And what is doing to stand up against drugs and the free flow of guns to these communities?

The problem with these reviews is that people have a tendency to voice displeasure over satisfaction, and I’m guessing that there are plenty of happy owners of any one of these vehicles. I’ve had vehicles like the Saturn SL and L series, as well as the Chrysler Town And Country, all of which had poor reviews, and they

I’m sure that I meant it to be addressed to Mike Rose. Sorry there Big Block!

Toyota, as I recall, including Lexus, had quite a few fatalities. I can never figure out why so many, like yourself, use the “yeah but look what the other guy did” as a kind of defense for your favorite whatever. I see it with the VW defenders as well. Big corporations screw up, and when they get caught covering up,

Scary when you consider that this is the norm in society. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

Is that YOU, Cliff Claven?

Why does Cunard keep popping into my head?

Look no further than a 500 Abarth. It will transport you back to your proper days of compactiveness, and your smile will increase in size beyond what you thought possible. And with a few easy mods, like a GoPedal, the smile will be ever more painful, but in a good way. You will be transformed, and will start acting

It looks...disproportionately...funny.

I know it, but everywhere in Victoria looks pretty! I lived there for a summer, just off Major Mac. I have yet to find a prettier city in North America.

Please put these people in your thoughts and prayers, and that would be all you can do.

You should see my shoe bill!