
Same here. I'm always at InboxZero by the end of the day, and my current workflow is more efficient than Inbox. Still trying to work with it, but don't think I'll be using it much.

I totally appreciate it! It's been on my mind a LOT lately, and am really struggling to find an equitable solution. I'm trying to take the larger burden of the bills, since he is trying to pay off some stuff, but helping him is hurting me (financially). He pays the same as my former roommates, but I didn't pay for

Never said I wasn't married. While I do bring more debt into the relationship, I also brought all of the assets - and I do mean all. When we sell the house or car to move - it will be money used to finance a new place or car for both of us. What of all of my equity?

I definitely don't want to put undue burden on him, but some of that debt is for things he benefits from. As in, the car is in my name, and pre-relationship, so I pay the loan and insurance, but we are sharing the benefits. The house is mine, so I paid for window a/c's when the central went out (yes, it is essential

Assumptions are silly. I see no problem with this, as long as she's still in the loop, and has made a choice not to be more involved. The problem with one person handling all the money is that sometimes it can be used to control the other partner - regardless of gender. But just like all other household chores and

For those that do the % based split into a joint account, how do you deal with debt from pre-relationship? My partner and I are doing the %, and while I make 2x as much as he does, I have car & student loans that leave me with next to nothing to save. He make significantly less, but can afford stuff like clothes,

"All day" was definitely in use in the '90s. Expos weren't as common then, but the bigger/better chains were just starting to catch on the to efficiency boost of a dedicated person to expedite orders. If it wasn't for the pay difference, I would have gladly expo'ed all day, instead of having to deal with Those People

Also - is new pay schedule different from previous? Will there be a significant gap between last check and your first new check? Need to have savings to cover.

4: If you are female, ask a trusted male colleague to present the idea. If it is accepted, have a sit down with the boss to discuss the issue. Suggestions on how to address with boss welcome.

Apparently, not all parallel play is created equal...

Roku with headphones for parallel play - he can watch whatever he wants, and I can read while he does so. All while curled up on the couch together. Bonding + doing exactly what we want, all at the same time.

Please proofread/edit before posting.

You are my boot hero. Thanks!

I just want the source for any/all of the boots the ladies wear in Warehouse 13. Stylish AND you can run in them.

I like to refer to it as our "Home Happy Hour".

Glass, steel and silicone toys can also be boiled or thrown in the dishwasher for sterilizing. Much less expensive.

It's from IKEA, don't know the name, but have the same at home.


A good shave or trim will significantly improve the odds of oral favors, for both genders. Eliminates the hair-in-the-throat problem AND improves access. Seems like a pretty good reason to me.