Excellent suggestion, thanks.
Excellent suggestion, thanks.
After years of reading, I wasn't seeing anything new. They also seemed to get more and more focused on a specific demographic - best revenue stream for the blogs? Perhaps that is an unfair assumption, but that was the feel. Right now I really only read The Billfold, And Then We Saved and Mr. Money Mustache.
I'm looking forward to this. Get Rich Slowly and Wise Bread have both lost me, at this point. It would be good to see articles for people in all sorts of situations - living, income level, family size/style, etc. Blogs that focus only on upper-middle class, suburban, traditional families aren't enough.
VOTE: ModernMeal
Oh! I wonder if you could use one of these: simpleHuman Sensor Soap/Lotion dispenser.
The cup holder option looks doable. Add a refillable pump bottle for the easiest access.
Coconut oil or cocoa butter will work better, cost less, and are better for your skin.
How much support for development, though?
Please tell me you use some sort of version control?
You definitely have to be alert, and keep an eye on it, but overall I've found it comes out a better deal.
Take this all up many notches by doing a Subscribe & Save, provided you have the space. We do this for pet supplies and some household supplies, but things like paper products can only be ordered in bulk, and we just don't have the room to store.
Mine was accepted the 25th. Will post when the return comes through.
Nope. I've already filed and have had it accepted. They process in order of filing, so I'll probably be getting my return next week. The longer you wait to file, the more people in the queue, the longer the processing takes.
That would be a yeast infection, which is terrible in it's own, unique way. Any change in the, to put it technically, flora in the vagina can potentially cause a yeast infection. This is why it's important to wash hands (nail brush!) and toys, and be careful about cross-over contamination if you like to play in all…
Protip: the urethra is not the clitoris. Learn the lay of the land and use care with mouth/hands/toys. Excess attention to the wrong spot can up the odds of a UTI.
Wrong gender for me, but hopefully will be helpful to others. Thanks for the link. There are other subscription clothing companies, but they are all for men, to my knowledge. With the wider range of possible differences with the female form, I'm not sure a subscription service would even be a sound business idea.
I do this for as many things as possible. All financial stuff (though, I keep a close eye on this), subscribe and save for household/pet/personal care items, recurring task reminders on my to-do list, etc. Next up would be a personal shopper/shopping service to send me new clothes at regular intervals. Hate having to…
They were serving this at RubyConf, and it was huge hit.
Excellent, thanks. Looks like it's only technically approved for NJ use, but if you know the law for your area, should be fine.
Not sure how that solves anything. Recording isn't the issue. Immediate, automated distribution of material is. Also, usually handheld situation, no car involved.