Keep a Magic Eraser in the shower - scrub while brushing teeth or letting conditioner sit.
Keep a Magic Eraser in the shower - scrub while brushing teeth or letting conditioner sit.
Forget that. Getting a new roommate would be less painful. You have a business arrangement, and he's not living up to his side of the deal. Give renegotiation one more shot, but let him know that it's the last time.
Thanks for making the point I was coming down here to make. As an introvert, just the idea of an open office makes me shudder. Collaborative space is fine, but don't make me sit at a big table or row of desks like a child and try to block out the noise, visual stimulus and sheer mass of other people. Let me work in…
This is how I learned HTML/CSS, and have only recently refreshed/updated my knowledge with the tutorials over at Treehouse (great service, btw). I feel weird calling that "coding" though. To me, coding is writing software & applications. It'd be nice to see a community effort to clearly define the different kinds…
We had one of these, as well. The computer before that took those giant (~8") floppy disks that quickly fell out of favor for the smaller floppies.
I also remember playing staying up late on school nights, obsessively playing TradeWars on a friend's BBS.
I've read it, yes, and it was fantastic. It was already a favorite/essential product for me, and that interview just whetted my appetite for more.
Are web apps applicable? I'd love to hear more about Hipmunk - idea, process, planning, everything!
Remember the Milk, please!
Seconding Evernote. Especially interested in the cross-platform integration and the brilliant web clipper.
Magic Eraser. Or white vinegar and baking soda paste.
Cold water also serves the purpose of water cooling the engine.
It's a simple enough thing to determine - are you energized or drained by interaction with others? Shy v. not-shy is a totally different thing. One of my closest friends is a shy extrovert, the freak.
I really think the idea needs another axis: shy to outgoing. Personally, I'm an outgoing introvert. I've no problem talking to whomever, and fine going to meetups and the like by myself, but I'm drained after social encounters and have to limit the number.
True. I've a genetic predisposition to OCD dishwasher loading, so it isn't something I even consciously think about. Understanding that not everyone else has hit this genetic jackpot, I try to be compassionate and kindly share my intuitive knowledge...without throttling. My pet peeves are either kitchen related, or…
We've discussed this topic before, but it's nice to see the actual arrangement of everything. CHOW also offers a few interesting tips, such as alternating plate sizes, putting cups between (not on) the tines, and running hot water and the garbage disposal before running the dishwasher.
Accelerate and biteSMS are really the only things holding me back. I've always believed that Cydia is an unofficial/unacknowledged iOS sandbox.
That was my choice, as well. Did you get the Absolute strap? I never knew what a huge difference a strap upgrade could make - the entire bag felt lighter. There's a bit of give, so it's easier on your shoulder when you walk, it's wider than normal, for better weight distribution, and the "down" face of the strap…
Sorry to hear about the layoff, but you're right, it does sound like the perfect time to load up on skills. I've been at it for about a year and a half, with another year and a half to go. That's just for school. I'd like to get into a new position as soon as possible, but don't feel like I'm ready to start sending…