
I'm pretty disciplined, so that helps. Work is 40-50 hours a week, school work and class hours are another 20 hours. I slip in project and tutorial time during lunch breaks, after work, before work, whenever I can. I took a semester off for other reasons, so right now it's just tutorials, local networking and

Seconding this. Their Greenwise line is better than the Whole Foods generics and most of the organic name brands.

Did you apply with a specific company, or to the kind of position that you wanted, at any company? I know the sort of work that I would like to be doing, and I'd be thrilled to work for the handful of top-notch companies that I deeply admired, but I'd also be very excited to work for smaller companies that do the

Excellent points, thank you. I have some projects that are in various stages of completion, that I will publish as soon as they are done. As to github, how much code do you want to show, if you have a working application that you want to retain some control over? An example of the logic structure, a complex/clever

This was my question, and my education/experience choice was: get a Bachelor's in CS, supplement curriculum with tutorials on languages/tech not covered in school, and developing projects/apps using that knowledge. School covers C, Java, SQL, algorithms, recursion, OOP, design patterns, language translation,

All I can say is...the thought of doing what I'm doing for the next 30 years is MUCH scarier than the thought of making this change.

First step: don't get as much clothing dirty. I'm a one-person household, have a professional job (so nice clothes), and wash one load a week.* This load is a combination of linens, towels and clothing. All cold water, Method super-efficient detergent, white vinegar for softening, low temp heat when air drying is

If you want to level up, pour into a Kong, then freeze. This was perfect for crate training a boisterous pup. Cooling, distracting, entertaining and delicious.

Even better, during these hot summer months: dog "ice cream". Homemade is definitely cheaper, and I know what's in it. Use plain yogurt for the base, and blend in dog-friendly ingredients, pour into small dishes and freeze. I use either these Glad Mini-Round containers or this silicone muffin pan for the freezing.

Read the link for more information on why the stress limits were set as they were.

Current desk setup. Note the concrete blocks to the right for "quick & easy" transition to standing desk. The desk is a hollowcore door balanced on old IKEA desk legs that have been modified to drop it 23". The monitor is 27" and the laptop is a MBP 13".

Preferably with sociopathic tendencies.

Works for me. Check your extensions.

I just turn it on and off at need. My monitor does double duty for watching movies and shows, so I need it to be loud enough to watch from ~6' away.

This does, in fact, do what it says it will do. It will also prevent your screensaver from starting, or your computer from sleeping. Annoying, but not a dealbreaker.

Current desk setup. Note the concrete blocks to the right for "quick & easy" transition to standing desk. This is incredibly unstable, and storage is subpar. I'd love to be able to triple the drawer storage, at the least.

Would love to see some resources for desk bases/legs that are less than the standard 27-30". Custom-made legs can get very expensive, and I shudder to think how much it would be to have custom bases with drawers built.

VOTE: DollyDrive + Dropbox + Google