
Also, remember to straighten and shake out the vent flex hose occasionally. I do it maybe every other laundry day, so build-up is a big problem.

Excellent response, thank you.

There are definitely advantages to the traditional approach. Biggest of which, in my mind, is understanding where you are. It's always a little disturbing to get somewhere and realize that you'll have to use the GPS to get home again. If you use a map, you have a much better idea of your surroundings and possible

Garmin has a HUD unit that might be worth looking into. Also, I use this to hold my phone. Perfect placement, can charge, adjustable, utilizes the obsolete (to me) CD slot. It's been going strong for a couple of years now.

Understood, but bypassing the security feature defeats the purpose. If someone cracks your computer password, do you then want them to have full access to all of your other passwords?

I believe what you're referring to is called a "security feature".

Dashlane instead of LastPass and Lazarus. It keeps passwords, fills in form data, and generates passwords. I wish there were options for the passwords (# of chars, alpha/numberical/symbol), but it's become my password manager of choice. Plus, two-factor authentication.

Not only that, but it can scan your other notes and suggest the correct folder and tags. Love that web clipper.

From what I can glean from the reviews, it seems to have a small, soft tip, similar to the TruGlide. Oddly, the slightly wider amPen was more consistent. You have to adjust to not being able to see the exact point of contact, which you have to do with any stylus. Narrower isn't always better.

I don't know whether to be excited about this, or worry about a Miranda/reapers situation.

I live in the Southeast, so the evaporative cooling doesn't do any good, but double-hung windows? Yes, please and thank you. Granted we only use them in the fall and spring, but it's still nice. Also, I will never live in a house that isn't built to work with the local weather, if it can be helped. In our area, for

They are also angled to take advantage of the breeze off the ocean, which helps tremendously.


I'd like to also recommend Skitch and iAnnotate. It took awhile for me to bite the bullet on iAnnotate, because of the price, but it's worth it for the options and Dropbox integration. Skitch is free, and useful for minor video editing on the fly.

I've started using Reeder on the phone to quickly triage my feeds, getting rid of the chaff, then use Feedly on the iPad to actually read them. It's clunky, but better than 100% Feedly.

I really don't see the point of Instapaper, Pocket or Readability, but would like to hear how others use them. My routine, when reading RSS feeds in a browser, is to open each post I'm interested in, in a new tab. Read through the articles, closing out the tabs once the article is read. If the article is something

I don't even know what language you're speaking. But then, while I can code like a MFer, Photoshop eludes me.

The only time I'll use Greek yogurt is for a sour cream substitute. And that's only on beans and rice or chili. Oh, and tzatziki.

Read Jolie's article on getting white things white again. It specifically addresses pit stains and yellowing.

As in, just a therapist, or did you spend time in a facility?