Excellent, thanks. The directions that came with the chimney said to wait until the flames were gone, but it really didn't seem right. Off to cook some pizza!
Excellent, thanks. The directions that came with the chimney said to wait until the flames were gone, but it really didn't seem right. Off to cook some pizza!
Ok, here's a question: I was having issues getting the charcoal lit without lighter fluid, so I picked up a Weber chimney starter. Seemed like it was going perfectly, until 20 minutes passsed, then 30, then 40...and it was still flaming. By the time the flames finally died down and I could dump the charcoal into…
I'm not sure you actually know how the system works, or the definition of "blatant" or "lie". At the least, a server is assumed to have earned 8% in tips on reported sales or their actual credit card tips, whichever is higher. Some restaurants require you to report your actual earnings*. If your tips come in under…
It can, actually. At the least, a server is assumed to have earned 8% in tips on reported sales or their actual credit card tips, whichever is higher. Some restaurants require you to report your actual earnings*. If your tips come in under 8% of food sales, tough shit, you're still paying the taxes. 8% seems…
I wonder what medical info they can pull, what with HIPPA laws.
I'm just going to link to this Salon post, in response to the overwhelming number that seem to think her physical attributes and characteristics outweigh her testimony.
This articulates many thoughts that have been tumbling about, regarding my own personal and work life. I'm pretty much entirely Promotion, and really need to start practicing Prevention.
I thought that was called a Social Media Manager?
You just made my night. Thank you.
I generally read the "How I Work"s looking for ideas about productivity and how to work better than may relate to my own life. This was so much more than I expected. Encouraging. A gentle reminder to choose yourself, everyday. A life that's productive, creative, positive and still involves a lot of reading:) …
It's a bit of an escape, really. I should probably rein it in so I can get some of those pesky "chore" things done.
This is all I need. Also, I always check the library's Overdrive before purchasing anything. Since I read, on average, 5 books a week, I have to be frugal.
See my links in the other comment thread. Took me forever to find a keyboard arm that would move enough for a sit/stand solution.
This is a great resource for figuring out your ideal workspace heights:
Thanks for the feedback! Since it's a career change for me, as well, I can see how some would seem to slip through the cracks. I think I started using a computer in '79 or '80, and am just now getting around to formalizing my education.
Excellent advice and analysis, thank you. I am at a school where our curriculum doesn't contain a single web design or scripting language class. Just found out our elective for next semester - writing a compiler that translates from a small but high level language into an assembly like (or byte code like) language.
If I had free access to Lynda, I'd be all over that. From the recommendations of coworkers and friends, it's fantastic.
I'm planning on doing exactly this, already have this monitor arm and just need to order this keyboard and build the desk. Running into problems getting desk legs under 27", which I need (5' tall, don't judge).
I'm glad to hear you are being proactive! Even though our department head and half the staff are female, our class started with maybe 25% females and is now down to 1. Me. Some of it was lack of interest, but a few were cases of teachers treating them like dirt, so they bailed. Thankfully, I'm tougher than that:)…
While it would be the height of unprofessionalism to discuss age and gender in an interview (and also, illegal in the US), it's also naive to pretend the situation doesn't exist. Any new career and employer should be well researched and an appropriate fit for culture and personality.