
Unfortunately it’s not just Johnny Red State. It’s any old white man who watches Fox News

That is incorrect. The ACA triggered incrementally increasing prevalence of public insurance, to the point where 10 years later, Medicare for All is much more feasible than before:

Yeah I don’t think Shah qualifies as a “senior” White House official.

Maybe I’m misreading, but it looks like felony sexual assault is exactly the charge he’s facing.

Thanks for clarifying! I can’t imagine any other way to understand those ridiculous comments.

Well that’s even more stupid than your first alarmingly stupid comment.

What is the acceptable response for a nation being devoured?”

Trump is in much safer position by working with his lawyers to craft a written statement, rather than a live interview where he will inevitably be ill-prepared. If you’re suggesting otherwise, then you probably fail to see that Trump is an embarrasingly stupid person.

I hope you’ve notified the proper authorities about this

Even in NYC where $100k doesn’t seem like much, that money would still be heaven to the majority of NYC residents.

Nothing worse than these anonymous cowards

Thanks for this! It clarified a lot for me, and it makes total sense in the terms you’ve described.

It was criticism of her vibe, not her appearance.

Kerr’s defense is pretty simple – get at least 4 defenders on the floor who can switch through 4 positions. The Spurs offense always relied more on preparation and adjustments.

Your last paragraph very clearly confirms that you indeed have no appreciation for the GSW defense over the past 4 years

It seems like you really don’t understand Kerr’s influence on the Warriors at all. His “scheme” is about more than just having a faster pace.

Right but then you might seem like an ass. That’s, you know, the whole point of the article.

That’s a little harsh. The poor guy is already living in Indiana.

Agreed. I moved to NYC from Philly and feel the same way.