
(Wondering if deadspin operations staff ever look at their comment section and realize they are not a sports site anymore)

He looks like Lee held himself back actually, did you watch it?

We need a full audit of every high schooler’s Facebook activities, and we needed it like years ago.

I heard AJ moved back home to his parents house and is paying his judgment off by mowing their lawn for 25$ a week, is this true?


It’s weird because 99% of the content here is basically just saying “this thing/person is so stupid”, so it seems odd when they actually post something different.

Well she is clearly calling the president an oreo, so there’s that. It’s racist towards Obama.

Haha, I’m loving these replies.

... That moment when you realize you just posted a Facebook meme as if it is news.

Sooo.. a Facebook meme is being reported on as if it is real..

If you think this guy actually wrote that letter I have a bridge to sell you.

Haha true!

Hamno is trying to keep the spirit of Gawker alive, and give this man a platform to spew his obviously biased thoughts on the justice system.

The man is a modern day hero.

This comment makes me sigh for our public education system.

This is my favorite comment of all time.

Let’s hope our strategy of calling white people in the US racists, homophobes, and xenophobes pays off in the long run!!

So happy to see that Gawker’s scumbag culture has permeated over to the other sites after it was shut down.

Someone should assassinate him. I can’t believe he did that.

Why is gun control only brought up after mass shootings?