

You say this but I was on a flight from ATL to SFO with a 1 year old who had a blow out just after take off and, due to turbulence, the pilot wouldn’t turn off the seatbelt sign. The Flight Attendants were no help when we asked if we could use the restroom to change the kid. So it got changed at the seat.

Does anyone research anymore? DeBlois also did the film following Sigur Ros around Iceland, Heima. Maybe that technically counts as a documentary but it’s not animation.

Let’s not forget that Ric also had his ear in the punk scene too.  He produced Bad Brain’s Rock for Light FFS.

Hero’s and Villains is unimpeachable goodness all the way through!

You’re acting like there aren’t a variety of monogamish options available. There’s people who are monogamous sexually but still go to BDSM clubs to have their kinks satisfied; after all BDSM isn’t necessarily about sex. There’s a lot of options available to them IF they want to try and make this marriage work.

What makes you think that BDSM is a “very high-risk playground”? Things like RACK and SSC exist you know... 

Eye Know is pure gold.

Actually “broke ass Joel McHale” is a pretty good comeback.

Yes but we’ve seen what royal blood can do in the hands of the lord of light....

The real differentiator is how the later after I and before K is pronounced. Is it “Jay” or “Jai”?

Umm... I think the Cornish did it first. Look up Cornish Pasty or better yet the variant known as the Bedfordshire Clanger that had savory on one end (mains) and sweet on the other.