
And what man would that be? The man who is now our President Elect, who threw temper tantrums about not conceding, it all being rigged, and started a fucking lawsuit because he didn’t think it was fair that people who were in line to vote got to vote? The fragile white men (this does not let the white women who voted

/checks couch cushions

In my experience, about seventh grade.

Accountability is for women, non-whites, and unpaid student athletes. Rich white guys get to keep on keeping on. In about two years when Briles is coaching at a Florida directional school we’ll get the ESPN puff piece by Tom Rinaldi about how all of this strengthened Briles faith or some such bullshit. Nary a rape

There is no team in sports I root harder for to lose than Baylor football. I just saw that Russell was carted off with a broken leg in today’s game. Awwwww, too bad. And if you think I’m being mean, where was Russell’s public disavowal of everything his teammates, coach, program and school did? Where was his request

God damn it. It takes a lot to really rekindle a feeling of white-hot rage in a cynic and misanthrope like me, but the past week has done it.

“That’s not a crime, that’s TEAMWORK!!”

I am commenting for the first time ever on a Jezebel post (even though I’m a long time reader) because I am CRYING over this paragraph:

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

She bragged the other day about knowing more than I think she knows about sex. And I was like oh yeah? And she said yeah I know everything. I ride a bus, mom. So I asked her about anal beads.

I will always have a soft spot for Bobby Cannavale because of The Station Agent. Love, love, love him in that gem of a little film.

God, I’m so BORED with this shit. Another straight white baby boomer dude self-glorying wankfest (nostalgia edition). How can a single demographic be so endlessly entertained with itself! And so institutionally narcissistic that it assumes that literally everyone agrees on how fascinating every detail of their

Brosephine has given me new life. Snagging.

Hard pass, brosephine!

Fuck me right?

There are members of Congress who think the word “vagina” is a dirty word. My expectations for humans are low at this point.

I was in line behind a guy and his girl buying Plan B once. Obviously I said nothing to them but in my mind I was so excited that the guy was there with her.

You know, when there was that big "Shrodinger's Rapist discussion, many men protested that womens' rights to feel safe infringed on their supreme right to be dick heads to hundreds of women in the pursuit of that one hypothetical woman who'd greet their douchery with blowjobs. Let hundreds of women be terrorized lest