
the devs are free to change their game as they see fit but something tells me this is probably not the choice of the devs themselves, it seems an odd choice to suddenly make.

this exactly, much like the whole Jacko thing, whatever he did or didnt do doesnt change the fact that he made some good music. lots of awful people have made amazing things, im not going to cut myself off from something just because i dont like or agree with the creator

damn, thats some fucked up psychopath shit right there, like something out of a serial killer documentary

to be fair i have a vertagear and its pretty comfy, its no herman miller but its not half bad

is there some actual point to these playing bards? do they buff characters? are they actually people promoting their own music? or is it just someone sticking on a random repeated emote while they go to work or something, if theres some actual purpose to it then fine i get it

not really that excited:

while i dont play smash i do have a habit of playing random on other stuff, the worst case for this is actually overwatch, i started playing it to get better with other characters but i ended up playing it so often it sometimes feels weird when i play a different mode and come back as the same character after death,

i watched that years ago on netflix, for some reason i felt compelled to watch it all

surely no one believed these were being used for crypto? you may as well burn money, even if the electric and rent were free it still woulnt be worth the time/effort put in, mining isnt even really a viable thing on nvidia 9xx cards let alone PS4s

did you actually refer to it as the “Switch Deck” in the 5th paragraph

i kinda hope they just leave it be, X was a fantastic game, one of my fave FFs but X-2 was awful, that said i havent enjoyed an FF since X (i havent played the 7 remake yet mind)

i thought this was going to be one of those situations where its slightly similar but still draws the comparison but nope that REALLY looks like overwatch

but why do you need to smuggle them? it says they can be sold for high profits but what is the reason you cant just take them through in a bag or send them in the post? is there some law that stops chinese manufactured goods getting into HK or massive taxes or something

it looks great and all but you cant really change the fact that its pretty much the worst FF game, well OK X-2 possibly tussles with it for top spot but im thinking theyve probably lost me these days, i havent really enjoyed an FF game since X (which was actually one of my favorite along with III)

wow the text look hideously out of place and the sprites arent looking too hot either, the whole thing looks like a complete mess, maybe itll all look better in motion or something but that is pretty abysmal

i had no idea there was any other content aside from the main story, i just played it through and thought that was that

wow that first screenshot is shocking, i played the first on the PSP and it looked better than that

it kinda is im afraid, 8gb is pretty much the bare minimum these days for a basic system and after having gone back to having to use one for a while recently id actually say 16gb is the min for me now

this show sounds just awful

Hoorah now i can finally afford something i wont be tempted to funge!