
sure they took premium sub money, how else were they supposed to pay for the bandwidth/hosting costs. hosting files and running websites can be expensive and not only that time consuming. chances are it started as a community of a few people sharing some roms then got more popular, but more popular usually means more

side buttons look a little high for my liking, i prefer the xtrfy mice, i have am M3 at the mo but its had a long hard life so it may be time for something new, maybe the M4

side buttons look a little high for my liking, i prefer the xtrfy mice, i have am M3 at the mo but its had a long

its actually all 3 Panzer Dragoon games, the two on rails and Saga/Azel, im not sure if this will please you or not but theyre for VR, still no Virtua Cop or VR House of the Dead mind

Excuse me while i go utterly f**kin mental because WHY IS VIRTUA COP NOT ON THAT LIST???

just in case saying it for the millionth time gets sega to take note and make it: Virtua Cop (preferably in VR)

did anyone think he didnt have aspergers? seemed fairly obvious to me, i mean i know i may be a little more informed what with having it but i dont think it makes much difference

if its pads youre talking for me its the xbox one/windows pad for me, the dualshock just feels too small for my hands (i have very long fingers) but if all controllers are allowable in this system then the award goes to the Razer Orbweaver, my 9 year old original bit the dust last week and ive now replaced it with an O

if its pads youre talking for me its the xbox one/windows pad for me, the dualshock just feels too small for my

urgh nothing, my nearly 9 year old razer orbweaver finally gave up the ghost, im now so used to it that im a total lemon if i try and use a normal keyboard, thankfully i have one arriving monday to replace it, guess i could just play slay the spire

im having an odd one with OW of late, my normal preferred role is tank or support but i play a lot of mystery heroes and somehow, i have no idea how i seem to be managing amazing things with Hanzo all of a sudden, i managed to back to back headshot 5 out of 6 people on the point at Lijiang last night (a flanking

while i love a mechanical for typing on gaming wise not much beats the razer orbweaver, ever since i got it i cant go back to a normal keyboard for gaming

thing is if you dont absolutely need ray tracing or dont have a 4k monitor older cards are just fine for most things, i picked up a 1080ti in november for a mere £250 (half the current going rate) and when im not gaming i set it to mining during which time its already paid for itself more than twice over

so you attempted to fix a gameboy and failed because you dont have a triwing driver? lacking the correct tools or research for something isnt really story worthy. also there are tools for getting stripped screws out but i suspect those wouldnt be in your arsenal either.

so you attempted to fix a gameboy and failed because you dont have a triwing driver? lacking the correct tools or

isnt Magic also known as basically one of the most complicated games in the world, nothing wrong with simplifying it a bit

*Tackles you and takes ball* kabaddi kabaddi kabaddi........

once again a rather meh season in my opinion, but then its been a while since i saw any really good new anime

RE5s main game may have been crap but its Mercenaries mode was still pretty awesome

i think the fatigue issue is very much a thing, i seem to have lucked out in that i can play for hours back to back with no issue whatsoever but many people cant handle too much before needing a break, even i need to take breaks at times not due to motion sickness etc but often to calm down after a high intensity

if its a quest rather than a rift you can already play it, its been on sidequest for free for a while now, you just need an original copy of the game to copy the files from, dont think theres a PCVR equivalent yet though

so did they just basically rip off the DrBeef port or did they actually do their own? next question, how does it hold up against the excellent and free (if you already own D3 or a few quid for an original copy) DrBeef version thats on sidequest? and finally if they did rip off the port why not do the whole lot? (Quake

finally its been a long long wait for this, i remember a closed beta happening back in like 2016 but then nothing came of it for years, i honestly thought theyd given up