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what? tails invincibility made for great backup! at some points my brother would just spend the boss fight dodging while i went in like an immortal flying fox god and crushed the boss

i too pretty much play arcade these days, not so much due to intensity but due to inconsistency of team mates, i dont know that many people who play so in many cases your success is governed not by your individual ability but the luck of the draw on your team mates (unless you happen to be good enough to carry a whole

to be fair in some way your friend has a point to a degree, a lot of people dont step into things like counterstrike because its generally not enjoyable getting headshot every 20 seconds by people who are absolute gods at it and generally getting your ass handed to you repeatedly isnt a great way to enjoy a game.

sadly none of my exs played games so i cant speak from experience there but in my childhood fewer things escalated quicker than a stray blow in Streets of Rage which became an in game fight and then in many cases an actual fight so i guess the modern equivalent is S0R4

well theres a load more games ill probably end up not playing then, i never got round to BL3 due to this and ill likely never think to pick up the THPS remaster when it finally drops on other services.

yes and i kind of regret not having one, even as far back as my first one which i got at the age of 16 (no one IDd you in the 90s) i wanted a gaming based tat but everyone always told me it was a terrible idea and that i really shouldnt do it as id regret it later.

this would take some serious getting used to, hopefully its possible to set it up to operate as a normal switch if you prefer

batteries die over time and charge cycles, its not too difficult to fit a new one

my mum never had a problem with me playing games but throughout most of my life they were viewed as a waste of time or a “fad” that would eventually pass, shed regularly say “i dont know what it is you get out of those things”

the real killer for these sorts of cars isnt the cost of the car itself its getting it insured. many years ago there seemed to be a boom in japanese grey imports at the garages in my area, one which usually sold those odd mitsubishi camper vans had a very unusual looking car outside with a £1999 sticker on, it looked

really though its just semantics, do we really need to label these things and be so specific and uptight about them? it all feels like a lot of arguing for arguings sake to me

yup the dean is also my only knowledge of pansexual characters in anything. im also not quite sure why but this article led me to remember the first game i remember having same sex relationships etc but its not like i was taking special note or anything, the only reason i know it was the in the sims was that i made my

shame, the leaks suggested its coming to the quest, RE4 in VR could be awesome but i guess we will have to wait, maybe even till the quest 3 with that date

the difference with this one, if the leaks from the capcom ransomware attack are to be believed is that its going to be VR and will also release on the Quest

didnt a tiktok crew do the same thing with dogecoin not so long ago?

this is bonkers, possibly even worse than the 2017 shortage, someone on reddit was looking for an upgrade for some extra juice for VR games, i suggested a 1080ti as a way of getting cheapish power as i only paid £250 for mine back in nov but i was shot down as apparently theyre selling for drastically more now, i know

if only all electronics were available by weight

Audica, Pistol Whip and finishing Alyx

im sure ive seen games look better than that in some cases