it’s actually “Clod”, because he has the personality of a damp sack of dirt
it’s actually “Clod”, because he has the personality of a damp sack of dirt
June 8, 2021: A new speedrun record is set by Ronald “SchlepLepard9" King, who uses a WRM hack to reach the end credits from Link’s bedroom. Total time spent in-game: 62 seconds
Fuck everyone involved in this story. Fucking morons.
I purposely book window seats because I LIKE to look out the window. I do not have the ability to sleep on planes.
yes - I totally agree. machines and programs need to work for man (or woman), and we shouldn’t need to scramble around macgyvering everything to work (especially if there is no accountability as to the (1) effect you are having by this program (I mean, is it actually making any sort of a difference....the answer is…
Absolutely. The order is reduce, reuse, recycle. Recycle is the last resort. We should all be reducing the amount of waste we generate first, then reusing what we can, then finally recycling anything left.
Why? Often times, when caps enter a recycling facility’s sorting process, they get sorted out because of their small size, and are then sent to landfills. As such, caps are now among the most common trash items found in our oceans (which also end up in the food chain when ingested by sea life).
I’m so tired of the Zelda “timeline” argument.