
My father had great advice for this situation, specifically if you were running late to work. Don’t rush, you’re already late. Accept that, pull over, relax. This does 2 things, first it helps you relax and second, it makes sure there’s no possible way you can beat the clock so you’re not speeding or doing something

That could be said for a lot of “lived experiences” though, right? Not everything gets videotaped. My Uncle happens to be a quality human who is fairly sincere. Whereas the writer of this article is looking to score points and get clicks with click bate assertions. I don’t see any reason to discount what my Uncle said

I think the point is that it’s not a myth. It’s over-stated. But these things did in fact happen. 

This article is #10.

Yup - got it. To be fair I’ve never bothered to read either. Maybe I will one day though, so don’t tell me how it ends. 

It counts for this conversation. There was an experience of coming home for a lot of Vietnam vets that was very different from the experiences of vets from other wars. The Vietnam war was very controversial, for good reason, and the American people saw much of the horror of it played out on tv, barely or uncensored,

The Puritans absolutely were looking for religious freedom, particularly objecting to the British Crown claiming the right to choose clergy in the same way China does, but the freedom they wanted was in the form of self-rule, setting up a separate community to better do this in an area where followers of other

Nope, but you can always export your KeePass database, import it into LastPass, and run the checks you want to run on LastPass.

It's OK to dislike anyone you want to for any reason whatsoever. You can't have freedom one way, and not the other. You just can't harass and limit them. There is a difference. You don't counter hate with more hate. You counter hate with reason. That's the truth that no one wants to hear.

this wasn't, by any chance, a sensitivity memo was it? cause that would be so perfect.