
Thanks pointyblue; is there a particular product name?

Same problem with io9 as well. Gawker issue?

Strategy: aim for the head. Learn to strike precise blows. Run really fast.

I have the problem even without the cooling pad. Anything more power hungry fails in these two ports. How can I adjust the power?

Do any of you readers read LH through RSS readers? I have the feeds downloaded into Outlook 2007, my only RSS reader, and I have been having trouble with redundant downloads from LH. I'll get a batch and delete the entries that I am not interested in reading, then with the next download those same deleted entries

Yes it is. Pad in one otherwise defective port; second defective port empty; third port mouse; 4th port DVD-ROM, or iPod, or whatever.

Hey all, I posted late last weekend so I got no hits. Pardon the repetition, but I still need help from the hive.

I'm having trouble with 2 USB ports on my Dell Inspiron 9100. When I plug in my iPod, thumb drive, USB mouse, or external DVD-ROM, the computer does not register the device on these two ports. They are powered; I have an external cooling pad plugged in to one of the ports and it works fine, but anything more

@thefu Why not? Can you elaborate please? Typically 4 people have it open at a time.

At the office I maintain a complex database created with Lotus Approach. Since its creation the campus has moved to Access 2007 which I am much more comfortable with. I know that I can export the raw data from Approach into Access, but does anyone know how I can export the whole structure of the database as well? I

All right people, thinking caps on! Dell Inspiron 9100—the keyboard is dying. I'm looking to get a new one, but in the meantime, can any of you recommend a way to fix a broken key? The left arrow no longer works (too many 1st person shooters). I removed the cap (with the left arrow picture) and what is left is the

@TehBeardMan I second that! Both sentiments!

@SMoss20 Thanks for these two links; they are a big help.

Thanks, I'll check them out.

XP quick launch:

I did download and install the restricted extras, and the system shows that it is installed. Yet Rhythmbox still will not play MP3s; that is what is so frustrating. I think the program might be corrupted, but rather than try to reinstall it, I will look at Banshee and other options.

Thanks for the tip. Actually I meant an internal laptop keyboard. Not sure if they make generic ones for a 9100.

A pair of sandals for the hotel room. Seriously. Who knows how well the carpeting has been cleaned, and even worse the tile floor in the bathroom. I won't even walk with socks across a hotel room floor.

Hey all, a couple of questions for the hive:

I have had good luck with Tracfone. They have a number of different ways to prepay, depending on how many minutes and how much airtime you want to buy. They also have a very inexpensive monthly plan. I have used the phone throughout western PA, and on the road up through western MA and never had a problem with lack