
Eggshell skull has to do with torts.

I’m sorry, but did Hillary Clinton cheat? Was she accused of domestic violence?

Yes. Mainly because that’s completely and obviously different.

That’s your value then. Keep it to yourself.

Should pregnant women abstain from all car rides unless they are necessary? No driving to dinner with friends. No driving to the movies. No driving to a park. No driving to the museum.

Cleft palate and lip palate clefts are not diagnostic of fetal alcohol syndrome. Try again.

If I had some wine while I was pregnant it doesn’t mean I don’t care about my child’s welfare or that I blanch at changing my behavior. It means that I considered all of the information out there and I made a calculus about the likelihood of a negative outcome and I came to a reasonable if not universally held

Your words sure sound like “moralistic hang wringing”. Especially because science disagrees with you.

So what you’re saying is you had friends who drank occasionally while pregnant, who had children with birth defects, and you immediately blamed your friends for drinking, not considering for a moment the possibility of a genetic or other environmental cause.

You do understand that what you have or don’t have a problem with is not legislatable? Like, good for you, you have feelings about things that are both none of your business and don’t impact you at all.

You already do. Alcohol and cigarette manufacturers are not liable for any damage you do to yourself. Why would they suddenly be responsible for your fetus? That’s why the signs everywhere in bars and on booze and cigarettes.

How generous of you to not have a problem when I have a glass once in awhile.

The comments on Jez articles relating to drinking and pregnancy are always entertaining. Many other countries do not fully abstain from alcohol while pregnant. Most of our grandparents probably had some drinks while pregnant with our parents (and many of them smoked, which is probably much worse). At no other time in

You are not educated on this topic. Educate yourself and try harder next time rather than baselessly talking shit about other women.

Nonsense. Show me the studies that prove that a glass a week causes serious birth defects. Take your time, I’ll wait.

The whole “there’s no (proven) safe amount” line ignores that there are also amounts that are not proven dangerous, that almost certainly result in no harm to the fetus, but that existing guidelines forbid because nobody fucking knows any better.

It’s refreshing to see this. Once you get pregnant, people treat you as though you have the fragility of an 80-year-old and the naivete of an 8-year-old, and simply can’t make your own informed decisions about your body. Most doctors approve of moderate/infrequent drinking during pregnancy, and it’s really nobody’s

Maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve literally never met any of those lots of women who don’t care about their children’s welfare.

There’s actually no scientific evidence that light drinking while pregnant is harmful to the fetus (all the data comes from binge drinking mothers). Approximately two thousand years of women moderately drinking while pregnant (and in plenty of modern cultures, like large swaths of Europe) show pretty well that you can

“The media has largely already proclaimed her the nominee.”

The media? Instead of, ya know, the fact that she has more delegates and is ahead in the popular vote? Seriously, what is with this idea that The Media is some shadowy conspiracy organization that can somehow shape reality?