
Cooking time for sous vide cooking is determined by two things: what temperature you want the food to cook at, and how long you want it to cook at that temperature. If you're using sous vide simply to raise the temperate of a piece of meat/vegetable to a "doneness" temp (e.g., you want to cook a steak to 125F), you

Well, as you say, you could do a whole turkey cut up into its constituent parts. Or carve up a few beef rib roasts into a dozen thick steaks and cook for a whole party. Or cooking whole rib racks or briskets SV before or after smoking them. Basically, you could use it to cook a lot of individual servings

Why limit yourself to two dimensions!

A microwave would work fine, but it might take a while and a lot of stirring (the video avoids it because of uneven heating) if you're reheating Thanksgiving-sized quantities of potatoes. The double-boiler is a good set-it-and-forget-it option. Also useful, if you've got an extra oven, is to dedicate one oven to be

They're actually remarkably similar. Take a look at the "ingredients," peeling back the black box of the cow:

Maple syrup is expensive relative to other sweeteners. It's about 65% sugar, with a density of 1.33g/mL. You can get about 64oz for about $30. The equivalent amount of refined cane/beet sugar (64 fl oz * 1.33 * .65 = 55oz) costs maybe $2. Sure, some of this is process and scale efficiencies, but in the end, maple

Whoa whoa whoa. Honey is not dangerous to adults, but it certainly can harbor botulism spores which can grow in the gut of infants. These spores are unaffected by the pasteurization temperatures used for honey (the pasteurization kills yeast, which is present in unprocessed honey and will cause diluted honey to

45 minutes tops, no soaking required. It depends on how...al dente you like them. For something like a salad, I like them a little chewy, which takes probably 25 minutes (don't for get to salt the water!). For something like soup, I usually prefer them well-done, which is usually 30-45 minutes.

"But sushi fish is not necessarily prone to bacterial contamination any more than the rice or vegetables."

Agreed. Lentil soup (mirepoix + lentils is really all you need, but adding herbs (thyme, bay, etc), spices (curry powder, cumin), or meats (smokey is good—bacon, ham hock, smoked turkey parts) is a nice touch) and lentil salad (du Puy-type lentils, drained, tossed with vinaigrette and your choice of other veggies

You're right, but it's semantics, not "fucking idiots." They should change it to "amino acids are amino acids, regardless of their source." If you eat the 9 essential amino acids, it doesn't matter where the come from. It could be a steak, or beans + rice, or milk, or soy, or buckwheat or...

Nice article. Keep up the good work. I have a couple of additions/clarifications/questions:

Kinda important: the Formica cleaning test did not use wine. It used a "wine-based disinfectactant," so the study didn't actually indicate that washing things with wine would kill bacteria.

Cleaning tip: run the blender on high with water and detergent in the carafe.

I think they're suggesting that you use a rinsed disposable paper filter instead of an oil-accumulating reusable filter. But you're right, in the text, those two sort of blend together.

I've seen cup-at-a-time pourover people rave about cloth filters. They say cloth gives the clarity and complexity of paper with much of the body and depth of metal (filters, that is). I don't have first-hand experience, but I do trust these guys: [blog.barismo.com] and these guys [coffeegeek.com] . It looks like it

The only preservative (other than something like sugar) in Pop Tarts is TBHQ. It has no odor or flavor, so the Pop Tarts reek of something other than preservatives.

No, "shucking" is removing the outer covering, which for corn is the husk. You shuck ears of corn. See: [dictionary.reference.com]

Pineapple's enzyme isn't papain (found in papaya), but it does the same thing. The biggest difference is that the pineapple enzyme is denatured by heat (~60C/140F), whereas it looks like papain is much more heat stable (up to at least 85C/185F). As a result, you can use canned or cooked pineapple without worrying

Pineapple and papaya both contain enzymes that turn meat to mush. It has nothing to do with pH: [en.wikipedia.org]