
My perception is that the acid in ceviche actually toughens the proteins, making the fish a little less squishy and more toothsome. It seems to make them denature/"curdle," much like acid makes milk proteins curdle. Also, I think ceviche tends to have a relatively short marination time, so it's probably served after

Again, the point is an easy-to-read solution, which is the only reason you'd buy these $20 measuring cups over the $1 set at the dollar store. Using a scale for liquids isn't otherwise measurably "better" than measuring by volume.

According to peer-reviewed science, acidic marinades do tenderize and break down collagen: "Immersion of shin beef strips in citric acid (0–0.05 M) showed that a significant tenderising effect was obtained above a concentration of 0.013 M....The results indicated that the tenderisation of beef samples using a citrus

I do it more because it's like having a measuring cup with a digital display. What could be easier to read than that? You're right that it doesn't save a step and doesn't save any dirty dishes.

Pretty much any water-based liquid has a density close enough to water that you can use the 1ml = 1g relationship. It works for milk (1.03 g/mL), juices (1.03-1.09 g/mL), etc. The only exceptions are very concentrated solutions like honey (1.4 g/mL) and molasses (1.4 g/mL).

Is it color-safe though? Many peroxides will bleach clothes. I don't know whether household-strength H2O2 will though.

An even better use of your $20 would be a scale. For all but the most concentrated solutions, 1 fl oz = 1 oz (oils have a density of about 0.9 though, so 1 fl oz of oil = 0.9 oz). You don't even have to use a graduated cup!

In my experience, a cold water/baking soda paste has been very effective at removing blood. It's sort of a by-hand technique though, so it's not ideal for Dexter.

Just FYI, you suggested eating capsaicin to treat migraines, but then you linked to an article that says "but simply eating hot sauce isn’t going to help." Maybe you're experiencing a placebo effect.

Probably want to get rid of those corrosive ashes though...

Yes, but will your windows be transparent? Winter drivers know that salt on windows is not particularly easy to see though.

Also, aged cheese that are aged above refrigerator temperature are usually washed with brine (or some other solution, like one with a desired microbe) periodically to suppress any potential microbial growth on the surface of the cheese. Also, the exterior of the wheel is allowed to dry out during aging, which also

The only image I had was in my mind. I had to go to Google Image Search to find that one.

I can't say I'm surprised. It says "do not refrigerate" right on the label...

The rule of thumb is that freezing stuff essentially hits "pause." So if you freeze it one day before you'd normally throw it out, when you defrost it, you've got about one day to work with.

Restaurants that serve real maple syrup are few and far between. Denny's definitely isn't one of them. You don't have to refrigerate pancake syrup after opening: [www.hungryjack.com]

Eggs are processed differently in the US than in Europe. In the US, the eggs are washed prior to sale, removing the protective bloom/cuticle, which necessitates refrigeration.

Unrefined nut oils, like walnut oil, should be refrigerated because they can quickly go rancid (they are still safe to eat—they just don't smell or taste good). Refined oil of any origin, including your peanut oil, will last indefinitely at room temperature.

They're welcome to make recommendations based on food quality. But it would be nice to know whether some food handling guideline is based on safety or quality.

All grocery store eggs in the US are washed during processing.