
I got a tip: buy a good thermometer (yes, IMO a thermapen or other thermocouple thermometer is worth the substantial premium over thermister ones). They're always right when it comes to getting the doneness of quick-cooked proteins correct (fish, steaks, chops, etc). They'll help you make a roast. They'll help you

Yeah...number the boxes 1, 2, 3, etc, and just make a document with a list of the items in box 1, 2, 3, etc. I don't see how indexing using QR is better than indexing using numerals.

30 minutes? Plus the time it takes to boil the water? You can cook a lot of corn on the stove in that time. It only takes about 3-4 minutes to steam corn, and you can fit a lot in a stockpot. Once it's cooked, THEN throw it in a cooler (or even a paper bag) to keep it warm if necessary.

I still fail to see how these carry over into non-roux-based cooking. I'd say it's like rebuilding a carburetor to learn how a car works. :-/

This is like saying that people should learn to integrate by parts to learn math, since everyone that knows how to integrate by parts knows a lot of math. It's true, but it's more of a indicator rather than an essential skill.

While I think that in the whole scheme of things roux-based sauces are only a very small slice, I would like to add this one, which I feel is an essential and often abused sauce in American households:

It's kinda a preference thing, much like red meat temperature. Runny eggs are often desired: [youtu.be]

Add how to bake a potato and how to steam and saute fresh veggies and you're doing pretty well.

The only catch is that you have to use stale beer. Oh, and that it makes your house smell like stale beer. No thanks.

Seconding all the "measure by weight comments."

Homebrew supply stores are another good source for parts and knowhow to accomplish this.

If you've got a rice cooker with a porridge setting, you can make steel cut oats easily. Just use a ~3:1 ratio of water to oats, set the time you want it ready, and go to sleep. It'll be ready and waiting for you when you wake up.

Buy one used through the usual channels: CL, ebay, message boards, etc. Should be able to find one for $30-50.

Roku 1 doesn't play 1080p Netflix.

You could also buy some river rocks for something like $3. They don't look like ice cubes though.

Unfortunately, Starbucks believes that "coffee in an unopened FlavorLock™ bag will stay fresh for several months." Reports are that the "best if sold by" date is 6-7 months after the roast date.


Thank you djbite. This "fridges and freezers are damp" thing is simply not true.