
It would be more interesting if this were normalized for population density. Built-out is a fixed cost—more potential subscribers makes it easier to recover this cost.

Americans innovate in ways that extend beyond software and their questionable patents.

If you catch it early, cold water + baking soda seems to work well.

Hmm, maybe. Vanguard's doesn't. At your target retirement date, it's 48% stocks, which actually seems pretty damn aggressive. Fidelity's product has similar composition.

As with any funds, there are well-managed and poorly-managed lifecycle funds. Choose a low-cost lifecycle fund composed of index funds (e.g., a Vanguard product) and the only thing you'll miss out on is the ability to hold your highly taxable assets (namely bonds and REITs) in tax-advantaged accounts (401k, IRA).

The effect of soaking and cooking methods hasn't been studied much scientifically, but a 2010 review article supports the notion that soaking and then discarding the soaking water is nutritionally neutral or beneficial: "The results were not unanimous but there was a greater advantage to discarding the soaking water

The fermentation that counts is the fermentation that happens in your gut. In fact, pre-fermented beans will have had the gas-causing sugars consumed from them, making them LESS likely to cause gas.


The first heading in the source article is "Removing yourself from the cash economy," so I guess JMK (or anyone with much non-uberlibertarian economic inclination) isn't the target audience. Nor is anyone with a non-alarmist definition of the word "inflation." :-/

Nicely done. Glad you included "Who Shouldn't Join a CSA?"

No, you should use a Jaccard, because it'll make your steak more tender and also juicier, without smashing it to bits. :-)

There is no mention of comparing the effect of no-nose saddles to simply having a professional bicycle fitting. In fact, the article never mentions the fit of the bicycle at all, which is an important omission. While it is certainly useful info that no-nose saddles reduce ED problems without the need for a

Fwiw, there is only a passing reference to this in that article, with no examples given. Usually when it happens, it's due to failing to adjust the price of the bulk item when the smaller quantity's price drops. Not so nefarious.

For labeling, here are some ideas. Just make sure you do it BEFORE the container gets wet or frozen: [chowhound.chow.com]

Eggs are processed differently in Europe and the USA. In Europe, the cuticle is not washed off during processing, allowing them to be stored at room temperature. In the USA, the eggs are washed before sale, necessitating refrigeration.

Pretty sure you can't develop immunity to botulism toxin...

Exactly. It's easy to fly fast. It's not easy to fly fast and cheap.

I wonder if that "industry publication" actually tested the hypothesis that caffeine is absorbed differently in coffee and tea. This peer-reviewed article found that there was no difference in caffeine absorption:

Anyone can predict. It's the accuracy that's important. With no indication of confidence given, how do we know this is any better than asking Paul the World Cup octopus if we're going to have a heart attack?