20/20 Experience was so unfortunately named, because that was such a bad album that it made me look at his first two with clearer eyes. Pharrell and Timbaland did wonders for his career.
20/20 Experience was so unfortunately named, because that was such a bad album that it made me look at his first two with clearer eyes. Pharrell and Timbaland did wonders for his career.
It’s the fact that everything in her life seems to be perfectly manufactured and she always seems to place herself as the victim, that’s what bothers me.
It may be terrible, but a lot of us find it entertaining.
Blake Lively simultaneously bores, annoys, and fascinates me.
I was having a debate in step with this the other night. My main point is that it’s troubling that Sanders is continuing a campaign supposedly to exercise the will of the people, but the people have spoken and they didn’t pick him. To continue on with this just shows he’s not really that different from every other old…
Because it’s a great gag!
Does anyone really believe Tom Hiddleson is straight?
The mental image that gave me...
I just want to highlight this passage for anyone who skims or just jumps to the comments. Because truer words.
Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?
Oh, he’s probably the wor$$$$$$t
Definitely the best “Game 5 or 6 with his team up 15, teammates going off, and the best defensive player on the other team out” player of all time, for sure.
right? I’m sure he could have blended right in with no thought on it other than, huh that kid has a beauty mark just like cindy crawford... huh that’s cindy crawford in the first row.
yeah I see why with Cindy Crawfords son, he looks just like her. Butt he Hadid kid? Why?
I love these posts. I basically just let my eyes gloss over while I scroll, which is especially fun with those falling bananas images. Bobby and Ellie, you’re doing the lord’s work.
Brock Turner’s dad wants to know how many minutes the stabbing took before he decides whether the sentencing is fair or not.
“and that he will “never be his happy go lucky self [sic]” again.”
luxury real estate... Oklahoma
I think what she said can equally be just as true as what Amber said. They’re two different women, in two different relationships. And if there was heavy substance abuse involved during the later relationship (as has been suggested), it’s very possible that they may have even been in relationships with two different…