husband/coach relationships will always seem creepy and abuses of power to me. Hope Andrea gets away from this toxic, abusive Nazi
husband/coach relationships will always seem creepy and abuses of power to me. Hope Andrea gets away from this toxic, abusive Nazi
I’m currently making my way through the most recent season of this show and it is a TREAT! Do I feel overwhelmed by like 50 episodes (I’m skipping the weekly recaps)? Yes! Is every second worth it? Also yes!
I’d rather her have airtime for the child molester-enabler she is (like this blog post is asserting) than an ugly duckling-to-swan success story that other outlets are pushing
FINALLY someone decided to point this out. I have low standards for tabloids, but to see sites like People breathlessly covering this woman’s makeover/redemption (and thus putting money in her pocket) without bothering to mention why she even needs to be redeemed is so completely sickening. No amount of makeup or…
I agree they’re pushing it with a Season 2, but I’m willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. People said that Stranger Things 2 was going to be a mistake and it was awesome, so I’ll hold out hope.
It’s been awhile since I read the book, but I remember it as being a lot less romantic about the immense poverty and fucked up-ness of her childhood. The trailer seems to completely glamorize her childhood in an “adventurous” and “off the beaten path” sort of way instead of how she truly portrayed it - full of anxiety…
This was the first scary movie I’ve ever seen in theaters (yes I’m a big baby who gets too scared) and I’m so glad I did. Loved it!
This hair color looks v. nice on her
I rewatched and this makes perfect sense. When he starts saying “And the Academy Award for Best Picture...” she looks like she is SEETHING thinking he’s about to take her line.
He is gorgeous and his body is unreal and his acting is subtle and spellbinding and amazing and yes more Trevante Rhodes please!!
I was prepared to roll my eyes at this but he’s being remarkably woke.
I LOVE my IUD. But I would say try to schedule it for when you have a slow week the following week - insertion wasn’t painful for me at all, but the week thereafter I had some very, very painful cramping. After I got through that rough patch though it has been absolutely amazing and I would recommend to anyone.
I feel like Taylor’s “shade” would have worked more if she sounded better than Rihanna singing it,
First thing I’ve ever read that makes me actually want to try one. But we’re in Indian Summer here in SF so I’ll have to wait a bit for perfect PSL weather
Yes! I was having some skin issues due to a birth control change and went to Sephora on the hunt for a full-coverage foundation. The makeup artist directed me towards this medium-coverage with a full-coverage concealer (Make Up Forever), and I’m so glad she did. It’s the perfect combo.
Yes! I was having some skin issues due to a birth control change and went to Sephora on the hunt for a full-coverage…
Every time I see a picture of Bella it just makes me think about how much better I’d look with just a few tweaks from a good surgeon...
Agreed! I’ve read a bunch of criticism on this point, but knowing what we know about the justice system is it really beyond the realm of possibilities that cops with more than enough evidence to convict a Muslim kid of viciously murdering a young white girl wouldn’t just...go with that? And not try to dig any deeper?
@Minnie: You put in the effort to use an accent mark, at least do a Google check to put it on the right e in Beyoncé
I saw this and immediately can’t wait to see the sales for this cover - looks like it’s going to be low to me. Overexposed Gigi + an olympian’s face that no one would recognize (and this is coming from someone who is an olympic fiend). Snooze.
I’m no Harris fan but I gotta respect the pettiness. Someone give that guy some shots of tequila and the Twitter app and spill ALL the Katy drama, please!!