Em Anne

It was a good episode but felt forced-the 'let's wrap it up' for all the characters. The entire thing of suddenly selling the store at a great price, feels a bit manipulative. Having SO many characters change and have realizations etc.-somewhat unreal. Would have been MORE real to have SOME characters change etc. and

I think so too. It was a little bit too much 'Let's wrap this up for all the characters' all at ONCE! Also this whole thing of suddenly selling the store at a huge price feels manipulative. ALL these characters finding some peace and redemption at the same time (except Amantha) seems forced as well.

That's true about Daniel's healing, when a person is traumatized it makes changes to your brain. I once heard a fellow sufferer refer to PTSD as Post Traumatic Brain Injury-because it literally changes your brain. And imagine what being in solitary does to a person?

I'm glad you wrote that, put words to my feelings. "Slut-shaming", still an all too common thing.

I noticed that too. I agree, aren't we all broken?


I noticed that myself a couple of times in this episode. Both times piano music. Silence would have been fine in both instances.

I didn't like it-I'm not familiar with the music, but usually I've like music on Rectify.

I felt the same-it was distracting, second time in this episode I had that experience. Piano music again, I believe. Oh, I didn't like the music Daniel was dancing to either. Was surprised when he said 'Beautiful'.

I didn't like the therapist, he didn't seem compassionate and caring enough, and I thought he was too pushy. I would have been out of there immediately-I'm a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and have also met many different therapists. What works best for me is someone who is not going to be confrontational but who

I agree, during the last episode I 'noticed' the music didn't fit, and I was aware of it as a sort of competing force.

"It could very well be the case that Hanna was all for having sex at
first and then changed her mind, and that one or more of the boys
was/were not willing to honor her wishes." And that is called……Rape!

I agree completely.

I completely agree, and this post is very enraging for someone like me, a survivor of sexual abuse. It sounds very much like the kind of things which deniers/abusers say ALL the time. And stretches the accepted reality of the show that Hannah was even MURDERED! Sounds very much like a 'rape culture' attitude. Reminds

That makes sense, I wondered about it.

Oh, btw. Daniels halfway house situation is EXTREMELY good, which is most likely not the case generally. I don't know how things are in Georgia, but where I live you would have been very lucky or blessed to have a man running the house who was better than most therapists I know in helping you and others with their

Youknow, Chloe really undid what was such a beautiful, and powerful moment: When she told Daniel that she couldn't save him, but she could hold him. THAT was exactly the right, and healing thing to do. I know, I suffer from ComplexPTSD from a childhood adolescence full of sexual abuse by multiple family members. That

Absolutely right! And going into therapy to 'dig into it' is not the right thing to do when you are not stable or ready for it anyway. You have to have a good support system, he doesn't even have a sense of himself, and has only taken the first steps towards finding himself. She really didn't know what she was talking

You know I suffer from Complex PTSD and I swear it could have been me talking when Daniel spoke of his lack of sense of self and intense loneliness last week. It was very intense. Avery was a fantastic therapist, even though technically not a 'professional', a million times BETTER than many I have known. Good to see

I loved this episode, JImmy's brother's need to saboutage him is so ugly and is the thing which pushes him over into the 'dark side'-that and the legacy of his family of origin. He was labelled and filled the spot of the 'bad' "failure" and damned if his brother will let him out of that spot. You know something must