
The games I'm playing right now — Dark Souls and Witcher 2 — have far worse glitches than anything shown in the video (albeit not terrible title screen music), so it seems a little unfair to Dragon's Dogma to scorn it for what amounts to slow streaming/loading of data. Also, can't you adjust the pawn's propensity to

Not really. You'd be better off buying a Dell on sale and popping in a decent video card.

Or Age of Steam, the original and non-sissified Steam. ;)

Lets be honest here. The situation publishers/developers believe to be ideal is the one in which everyone who wishes to play a game, be it for fifteen minutes or fifteen hours, pays full price. They'd love to lock games down to a single account on a single console. Want to let your brother try out a game you own with

Making games that gamers want to keep playing requires talent and dedication. Those are scarce resources indeed. It is far easier to tack on shitty multiplayer or DLC diarrhea.

Because videogame developers are more important than anyone else, of course.

Those are the ones with the enemies set to infinite life for combat demonstration purposes. The actual game isn't like that.

Did you play the RE5 DLC chapter Lost in Shadows?

I put about three hours into Dark Souls on a rental and was thinking of buying it now that it's $20 used. Guess I'll wait for the PC version instead. :-/

Ignore the sound. In the video how many people actually raise their hand? I'd estimate it's less than 18% by a fair margin.

The FemShep fans are loud, but few in number, judging by the video.

I mainly play Commander FemShep and ME1 is my favorite game in the Cita... series.

Or put your hand/foot in a plastic grocery bag whilst clipping. Then just trash the bag when you're done.

Yeah, Special Champion Edition (which was Hyperfighting/Turbo with a weird name) was $50 in most stores in the USA.

Goodbye Kotaku posters! I'm not transferring over to the mandatory Facebook/Google/Twitter sign-in.

I'd wager that most of the whiners never had any intention of buying a fighting game, let alone SFxT. It's kind of like the hullabaloo about the 3DS Resident Evil Mercenaries game not having a way to erase high scores.

Agreed. As someone who bought both Mass Effect 3 and SFxTekken on launch day, I'm much more concerned about EA's DLC character/mission, online pass, and multiplayer storefront.

I don't necessarily disagree with the points you make, but...

The analogies presented here are terrible.

It's very simple: if GameStop won't make money off of stocking the PS4, they won't stock the PS4.