Why? I'm unlikely to download, let alone play, the games. After all, if I were interested in them, I'd have bought them when they came out. For the Humble Bundle, I'm effectively just donating money.
Why? I'm unlikely to download, let alone play, the games. After all, if I were interested in them, I'd have bought them when they came out. For the Humble Bundle, I'm effectively just donating money.
They're still offering Steam keys. You just need to contribute $1 or more.
"his time travel theory received a U.S. patent in 2006."
I'm not sure how relevant that information would be. Syria's brutal Bashar Al-Assad probably didn't exhibit any homicidal tendencies when he studied at St. Mary's Western Eye Hospital in London.
Skyrim isn't lovable enough to earn such a list.
I'm in agreement with Tim on most of his points, but Landstalker sucked (as did Time Stalkers and, as I hear, Lady Stalker, too). Perhaps some of the puzzles were inventive, but the control/gameplay was terrible. I'd like to claim that it lacked friction, but that's a word Tim seems to redefine arbitrarily. I'm fine…
Distance from NYC to LA in miles: 2443.79
I mean never. Not Street Fighter as we know it, at least, where the mechanics of the game make server-side/client-side prediction impossible (unlike FPSes, which get away with this all the time) and players need to hit particular frames (1/60 of a second) for button presses or the game falls apart. SF's barely…
I'm located within 50 miles of OnLive's east coast server center and have a FiOS connection. I'd say that the lag is tolerable, but it's still noticeable. For example, I loaded up Batman: Arkham City for my wife (who's a Batman fan in general and a Batman: Arkham Asylum fan in particular) and she immediately noted…
You can use the same OnLive account on your PC. When you're away from home, you can use OnLive to continue playing on your phone/tablet.
The Incredible is not a modern Verizon Android phone. Also, having root access and unlocking the bootloader are two entirely different things.
Developer community? No modern Verizon Android (Bionic, RAZR, Rezound, etc.) phone has an unlockable bootloader. No custom ROMs, no AOSP. You're stuck with whatever crap Verizon/HTC/Moto has done to your phone.
Reminds me of P.N.03 without the sexy. I could see myself picking it up for iPad, as the controls seem reasonable.
Let's be honest here. If you didn't vote a straight Democrat ticket, you enabled this. The guys who tried to repeal net neutrality? Republicans. The guys who tried to stop this SOPA bill? Democrats. [origin.static.arstechnica.com]
I love DLC like this. I'm not missing anything when I choose not to buy it.
Per Anandtech's breakdown of the Tegra 3, the GPU performance we're looking at is still significantly below that of the Galaxy SII. Moreover, the iPad 2/iPhone 4S has about three times the graphics performance of the Tegra 3.
If Republic Wireless takes off, this will be a great test for network neutrality.
It's unlimited when you're on wifi. It's limited when you're on 3G (Sprint's network).
OMAP 4460? Don't expect to push any polygons on this device. Very disappointing after the Galaxy S II.