@Chewblaha: Marvel's been on comiXology's iPhone app for a few months now.
@Chewblaha: Marvel's been on comiXology's iPhone app for a few months now.
@TangoInTheNight: IGA's responsibilities in SotN were very limited as assistant [to the] producer — the only one he's taken credit for is increasing the corniness of the dialog/voice acting. None of the games where he had free reign have been worthwhile: HoD, AoS, DoS, PoR, OoE, CoD, LoI, and Judgement. On the other…
@Alex_Mexico: Who cares what IGA thinks?
@That mop mutant: Thank you for speaking truth.
@3in1Doctor: Vince DiCola did (DiCola composed the instrumental score for TF:TM).
Butterfly in the sky.
I'm feeling a definite P.N.03 vibe to this, which has me a lot more interested than the Gears of War similarities. Thank you, Shinji Mikami.
I'm still a bit anxious about how well the Wiimote-only control scheme is going to work in practice, with all the rotating of the controller from a vertical orientation to a horizontal orientation and back again to switch between the 1st and 3rd person modes.
@Batman: I feel similarly about Quake 1. ;)
Kid Icarus has awesome potential, but you can take Paper Mario to the bank. This is going to be solid.
@Mit: It's a new title. At the very least, all the scenes are new, as are the chain-chomp companion and the thwomp.
@The Ring Ding King: Twin Snakes doesn't count, either?
@Ace: Is that Chris and ponytail Jill? So we're talking a BSAA-era game?
@Steven Hott: And with much worse gameplay.
@SkechiKechi: Nostalgia. Just like all those Final Fantasy games, Goldeneye, and SM64.
@natedogXVI: Nintendo did so. With every Zelda game that came out before it and every Zelda game that came out after it (except maybe Majora's Mask, which was also weak).
@Langlen: It's possible that Nintendo will apply the gameplay improvements of Wind Waker to this remake. I'd hope so.
@presto117: I suppose I could have worded that differently: "Not all games require the navigation controller" instead of "The navigation controller is not required for all games".
@JuanDoe: The navigation controller is not required for all games, just as the nunchuk is not required for all Wii games.
@mrantimatter: Not the nunchuk. That's an additional $30.