
@Caelestis: Back in the late 1800s throught the 1900s, no one would be willing to lay down incredibly expensive telecom/utility infrastructure without government subsidies/sweetheart deals. Given that it's better to have monopolistic telephone/electric service than no telephone/electric service at all, the federal

@WolvenOne: It's not economically viable to duplicate infrastructure on the scale necessary to allow for competition in the sense you've stated. The same is true for utility and telephone lines — you can't have dozens of companies digging through roads and sidewalks and buildings to put in new pipes.

@Dexomega: Really? V for Vendetta is your example? Either I entirely misunderstood your post or I read/watched a different V for Vendetta than you did.

@curly haired boy: Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Gray Harvest voting in the guys who help corporations exploit the little guy instead of the gals who would protect the little guy.

@Paul_Is_Drunk: It is the Tea Party crowd that is against Net Neutrality.

@raijuu: Net Neutrality has nothing to do with the scenario you describe. Comcast can and will throttle user's overall bandwidth, with or without Net Neutrality. They did so for many years before the packet sniffing issue arose.

@The_Foo: I almost didn't get that. Almost. ;)

@tetracycloide: I know. I can see the Capitol from my bedroom window.

@TheTonyShow: The saner solution would be to use bandwidth and transfer caps and charge overages. You know, like Comcast already does.

@Chestnut Bowl: I can't understand why people are so dead set against a government protecting its people from exploitation (in this case, at the hands of the telecom monopolies). That's the entire point of government. Where government fails is when it gives in to these corporate interests instead of defending we, the

@Cutriss: Agreed. The real fear here is that ISPs will throttle/prohibit connections to competitor's services or charge an addition fee for such access.

@agush: Hahahaha. You make it sound like's there's competition.

@TacoBurrito: Call your Senator/Representative. Let them know how you feel about Network Neutrality.

@pettiblay: Can you run Chrome in full-screen mode with this extension enabled? That would allow for cutting back on the chrome quite a bit.

What the hell? They're making it even more unrealistic than before. It's unbelievable that they would contaminate a great series this way.

@Blehgopie: It was a game first. The game was clearly "inspired" by Pokemon, so the logical next step was to make a TV show, per Pokemon. Same deal with Digimon.

I'm a fan of the rotating single-screen design, as I've noted in several of these Kotaku Nintendo handheld speculation threads.

@chickdigger802: There's no reason that the system can't use one large screen that simulates two smaller screens.

@Ghengis_John: It is disturbing to see you attempting to whitewash the centuries of rape, slavery, and massacres perpetrated by the British against the people of south Asia. Oh, but they built (well, forced slaves to build) railroad tracks (to better plunder India), so everything's okay.

@Kamix: Our troops are there to defend and protect the Iraqi civilians.